RBTC: 20 anos de publicações apoiando o crescimento das Terapias Cognitivas e Comportamentais Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz; Rezende, Alessandra Luzia de; Donadon, Mariana Fortunata; Oliva, Angela Donato; Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira; Miyazaki, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos; Kristensen, Christian Haag; Teodoro, Maycoln Leôni Martins; Santos Junior, Randolfo dos; Morales-Cruz, Jennifer
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| · Analysis of the effectiveness of a mindfulness protocol for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Barbosa, Isabella Pinto Ribeiro Cruz; dos-Santos, Celina Rodrigues Bechara; Coutinho, Mateus Marques; de-Freitas, Saulo Henrique Campello; Barbosa, Leopoldo Nelson Fernandes; Siqueira, Davi Melo
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| · Early maladaptive schemas and psychological capital in university students: A correlational study Matos, Fabíola Rodrigues; Candido, Nathália Martins de Paulo; Cardoso, Heloisa Frederico
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| · Videoconferencing Psychotherapy for Alcohol Use Disorder in Men: Pilot Study of a Randomized Controlled Trial Gumier, Andressa Bianchi; Ribeiro, Nathálya Soares; Santos, Camilla Gonçalves Brito; Colugnati, Fernando Antonio Basile; Oliveira, Ian Peratelli de; Lopes, Rodrigo da Cunha Teixeira; Sartes, Laisa Marcorela Andreoli
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| · Well-being Through the Lens of Family Support and Early Maladaptive Schemas Rocha, Camila Duarte Alves da; Natividade, Jean Carlos
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| · The relationships between character strengths and virtues and adaptive initial schemes in brazilian adults Dutra, Jodeli Paim; Pureza, Juliana da Rosa; Stock, Tatiana Otto
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| · Prevalence and associated factors of non-suicidal self-injury among school adolescents in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul Mühlen, Mara Cristiane von; Mühlen, José Augusto von; Mühlen, Natali Meneguzzi da Silva von; Câmara, Sheila Gonçalves
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| · Process-based Therapy for Complicated Grief in Clinical Practice Batista, Jéferson Pereira; Gadelha, Maria José Nunes
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| · Psychology in public policies: proposal of an Observatory of Psychological Health and Well-Being (monitoring and action) in portuguese schools Gaspar-de-Matos, Margarida; Branquinho, Cátia; Noronha, Catarina; Morais, Bárbara; Gaspar, Tania; Rodrigues, Nuno Neto
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| · Cognitive-behavioral intervention for reducing anxiety in patients hospitalized in a psychiatric emergency unit Souza, Thiago Gabriel da Silva; Domingos, Neide Aparecida Micelli
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| · Significant role of perfectionism in the mental health crisis in graduate education Diniz, Marina Luiza Nunes; Rodrigues, Willian de Sousa; Mansur-Alves, Marcela
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| · Psychosocial intervention on gender-based violence with universities female students: feasibility study Dionísio, Maria Beatriz Reis; Rangel, Raphaella Fernandes Monteiro; Duarte, Giovanna Maria; Barbosa, Pietra Harrisberger; D’Affonseca, Sabrina Mazo
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| · A comparative study between cognitive psychotherapists and client’s perception about items in the waiting room Felix-Ribeiro, Matheus Fernando; Spadari, Gabriela Fabbro
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| · Dropping out of treatment: qualitative analysis of interviews with patients in group, transdiagnostic and online cognitive behavioral therapy Celleri, Milagros; Kaplan, Marcela; Garay, Cristian J.
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| · Clinical implications of perfectionism: relationship between self-criticism, rumination and psychological distress in university students Rosa, Lorena De; Keegan, Eduardo Gustavo
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| · Perfectionist and Burnout Psychotherapists during the COVID-19 Pandemic Partarrieu, Andres Ignacio; Miracco, Mariana Carolina; Keegan, Eduardo Gustavo
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| · Perfectionism and procrastination in argentine university students Galarregui, Marina Soledad; Keegan, Eduardo Gustavo
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| · Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: reliable clinical change analysis Lins, Mara; Falcke, Denise
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| · Perfectionism and stress associated with covid-19 health emergencies: how maladaptive perfectionism affects the pandemic stress response Camino, Maria Victoria; Sanchez, Emiliano Hernan; Betelú, Ana Inés; Galarregui, Marina Soledad; Elizathe, Luciana; Miracco, Mariana Carolina; Keegan, Eduardo Gustavo
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| · Assessment and Social Skills Training in Psychology Students Chaves, Cleuza Elizabete de; Oliveira, Camila Rosa de; Paloski, Luis Henrique; Wagner, Marcia Fortes
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| · Mental health gap action program: Scientific-based brief intervention Morales-Chaine, Silvia; Lopez-Montoya, Alejandra; Felix-Romero, Violeta; Bosch-Maldonado, Alejandro; Beristain-Aguirre, Ana Gisela; Treviño-Santa-Cruz, Claudia Lydia; Palafox-Palafox, German
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| · Gaudibility as a protective factor against suicidal ideation in young people Valdés-García, Karla Patricia; Franco-López, Marisol; Sánchez-Loyo, Luis Miguel; Padrós-Blázquez, Ferrán
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| · Evidence of Validity of On-line Versions of the Working Alliance Inventory for Therapists and Clients in the Evaluation of the Therapeutic Alliance Santos, Camilla Gonçalves Brito; Abranches, Pedro Matheus Lopes Peralta; Ribeiro, Nathálya Soares; Heringer, Luasy Teixeira; Alcântara, Samuel Henrique; Peratelli de-Oliveira, Ian; Sartes, Laisa Marcorela Andreoli
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| · Alcohol use and mental health among young mexican adults during COVID-19: The impact of interpersonal and intimate violence Fuentes, Alma Luisa López; Chainé, Silvia Morales; Cruz, Claudia Lydia Treviño Santa
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| · A network analysis of perfectionism and self-compassion: theoretical and practical implications Rocha, Luiz Fellipe Dias da; Penido, Maria Amélia; Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira; Hernandez, José Augusto Evangelho
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| · Social Skills Training for College Students: a pilot study Bortolatto, Mariana de Oliveira; Borowski, Silvia Batista Von; Costa, Jessica Alves da; Lopes, Fernanda Machado
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| · Integrative review of behavioral and cognitive therapies applied to child sexual abuse cases Fontana, Izabelly Cristina Ribeiro; Batista, Carolina Lamônica; Aznar-Blefari, Carlos; Priolo-Filho, Sidnei Rinaldo; Zibetti, Murilo Ricardo
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| · Systematic review of Young Positive Schema Questionnaire (YPSQ) validation studies Soares, Emyli de Sousa; Lopes, Renata Ferrarez Fernandes; Lopes, Ederaldo José
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| · Risk and protective factors for rehospitalization among substance use disorders: A systematic review Mattos, Bernardo Paim de; Torres, Julia de Bittencourt; Garcia, Miguel Gomes; Chrusciel, João Henrique; Martins, Renata do Amaral; Bicca, Carla Hervam; Kluwe-Schiavon, Bruno; Grassi-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Viola, Thiago Wendt; Tractenberg, Saulo Gantes
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| · Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents and adults and its relationship with early maladaptive schemas: a systematic review Mühlen, Mara Cristiane von; Mühlen, Natali Meneguzzi da Silva von
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| · Culturally competent cognitive conceptualization: An articulation with the bioecological theory of development Page, Julia Ovidio; Paveltchuk, Fernanda de Oliveira; Carvalho, Marcele Regine de
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| · Cognitive-behavioral techniques in couples therapy: a review based on expert recommendations Cardoso, Dara Telly Nascimento; Cardoso, Bruno Luiz Avelino
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| · Schema modes and sexual and gender minorities: a narrative review Cardoso, Bruno Luiz Avelino; Paim, Kelly; Catelan, Ramiro Figueiredo
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Cognitive-behavioral interventions for Latin American youth: a scoping review de-Amorim, Camila Alves; dos-Anjos, Nilton; Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz
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Mental health interventions and psychosocial support in response to disasters: systematic review Crociari, Gabriel Marcos; Domingos, Neide Aparecida Micelli
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Evidence-Based Practice in the context of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: a scoping review Oliva, Angela Donato; Pereira, Luisa Braga; Conceição, Nathalia Martins da; Rodrigues, Carla Neumann
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| · Reporting supervision strategies to train young therapists for clinical psychotherapy with older people: focusing on key identities Ferreira, Heloísa Gonçalves
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| · Developing therapists’ clinical competencies through the PRHAVIDA Program: an Experience Report Lobo, Beatriz de Oliveira Meneguelo; Amorim, Camila Alves; Rezende, Alessandra Luzia; Neufeld, Carmem Beatriz
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| · Analysis of methodological practices for the development of cognitive-behavioral interventions in childhood and adolescence Valencia-Ortiz, Andrómeda Ivette; Rueda-León, Luis Vicente; Lima-Quezada, Alejandra; Straffon-Olivares, Diana Karina
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| · An report of experience in the development of clinical supervision in CBT in Uruguay Caputto, Ileana; Lagos, María Esther; Silvera, Mariana; Donadon, Mariana Fortunata
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