Editorial |
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| Besset, Vera Lopes |
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Articles |
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| · Implications of molar/molecular strategies for Behavioral Analysis of Culture Silva, Felipe Bulzico da; Carrara, Kester
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| · Body, art and science in the XXIst century Trichet, Yohan
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| · Credit in television advertising: suppressions, propositions and subjective effects Hennigen, Inês; Schmidt, Luis Filipe Silveira; Souza, Henrique Santos de
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| · A comparation of the moral development of adolescents between two decades Moreira, Pollyana Lucena; Camino, Cleonice Pereira dos Santos; Rique, Júlio
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| · Teacher's punctuality: causal attributions by students in class Neves, Lude Marieta Gonçalves dos Santos; Iglesias, Fabio
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| · Psychological aspects of child cancer relapse: An integrative literature review Arruda-Colli, Marina Noronha Ferraz de; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · The emotional impact of maternal pregnancy on preschool firstborns Oliveira, Débora Silva de; Pereira, Caroline Rossato; Lopes, Rita de Cássia Sobreira; Bandeira, Denise Ruschel; Piccinini, César Augusto
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| · Quality of life and psychological well-being in the climacteric Freitas, Eduarda Rezende; Barbosa, Altemir José Gonçalves
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| · Therapeutic Alliance: establishment, maintenance and disruption of relationship Oliveira, Natacha Hennemann; Benetti, Sílvia Pereira da Cruz
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| · Endless syntheses: the perception of objects according to Husserl Verissimo, Danilo Saretta
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Nominata |
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