Editorial |
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| Portugal, Francisco Teixeira |
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Articles |
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| · Cybernetic love exposure: should love be public or intimate? Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira; Lima, Nádia Laguárdia; Stengel, Márcia; Pena, Breno Ferreira; Salomão, Cecília Silva
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| · Adaptation and internal structure of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) for dancers Silva, Andressa Melina Becker da; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorim; Bittencourt, Isabella Goulart; Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Araújo, Murilo Fernandes de; Afonso, Renan de Morais; Luz, Tatiane Stephan Rocchetti
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| · Motivation to read and demographic variables of students from São Paulo Suehiro, Adriana Cristina Boulhoça; Boruchovitch, Evely
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| · Cognitive aspects underlying pain and neuro-physiological responses Durgante, Helen Bedinoto
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| · Factorial analysis of the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults Wagner, Marcia Fortes; Moraes, João Feliz Duarte de; Oliveira, Angela Aparecida Wolff; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Children's understanding about inverse relationships without numerical explicitation Lautert, Sintria Labres; Oliveira, Danielle Cavalcanti Almeida de; Correa, Jane
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| · Intimate partner violence: the role of social support Rodrigues, Roberta de Alencar; Cantera, Leonor María
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| · Domestic violence, alcohol and other associated factors: a bibliometric analysis Martins, Aline Gomes; Nascimento, Adriano Roberto Afonso do
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| · False madness and moral insanity: a historical case of simulation Vasconcellos, Cristiane Teresinha De Deus Virgili; Vasconcellos, Silvio José Lemos
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| · Production of truth and criminalization processes: civil registry change procedures of trans people in the judiciary system of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Cidade, Maria Luiza Rovaris; Bicalho, Pedro Paulo Gastalho de
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| · The development of the narrative mode of thinking in preadolescents Macedo, Lídia Suzana Rocha de; Sperb, Tania Mara
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| · Anxious and depressive symptoms in Portuguese Facebook users Amorim, Susana; Leite, Ângela; Souto, Teresa
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| · Breastfeeding: social representations of mothers in Recife Sales, Cecilia; Castanha, Alessandra; Aléssio, Renata
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Review |
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| · Lacerda, P. M. (2015). Meninos de Altamira: violência, "luta" política e administração pública. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2015. 325 p. Silva, Luiz Felipe Castelo Branco da
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