Editorial |
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| Portugal, Francisco Teixeira |
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Articles |
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| · The experience of being empathic to the beginner humanistic-phenomenological psychotherapist Fontgalland, Rebeca Cavalcante; Moreira, Virginia; Melo, Cynthia de Freitas
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| · Crack cocaine users in treatment in Therapeutic Communities: profile and prevalence Madalena, Tatiana Silveira; Sartes, Laisa Marcorela Andreoli
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| · The youth released from the social-educative detention procedure: psychosocial repercussions Andrade, Marcela Silva; Barros, Vanessa Andrade de
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| · Developmental niche: environment, beliefs and practices of formal caretakers Brito, Jeisiane Lima; Magalhães, Celina Maria Colino; Khoury, Hilma Tereza Tôrres
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| · Prejudice towards obesity: social representations in printed media Araújo, Lidiane Silva; Coutinho, Maria da Penha Lima; Araújo-Morais, Luciene Costa; Simeão, Shirley de Souza Silva; Maciel, Silvana Carneiro
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| · Predictors of social skills and behavioral problems in children Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini; Loureiro, Sonia Regina
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| · Early interactions: A comparative study between mothers and fathers Pereira, Sara; Costa, Raquel; Tojal, Catarina; Tendais, Iva
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| · Representations of transposition São Francisco River in the state of Paraíba press Carvalho, Lauriston Araújo; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith
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| · Can creativity be measured?: Reflections on methods used and issues involved Nakano, Tatiana de Cassia
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| · Brutalists Walytopias: operations for a savage clinic Macerata, Iacã Machado; Costa, Luis Artur; Silva, Rodrigo Lages e
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| · The performance of the bond in the Social Assistance Policy Rodrigues, Luciana; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima
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| · Attachment to parents, adverse childhood experiences and psychopathology Silva, Fatima Marques; Mota, Catarina Pinheiro
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| · Empathy in caregivers of the elderly through Pfister Test Lampert, Claudia Daiane Trentin; Scortegagna, Silvana Alba
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| · Academic expectations of students in the first years of Higher Education Soares, Adriana Benevides; Leme, Vanessa Barbosa Romera; Gomes, Gil; Penha, Adriana Peçanha; Maia, Fátima Almeida; Lima, Cláudio Almeida; Valadas, Sandra; Almeida, Leandro S.; Araújo, Alexandra M.
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| · Fatherhood affectively imprinted: modalities of interaction in father-baby relations Santos, Carine Valéria Mendes; Antúnez, Andrés Eduardo Aguirre
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| · Personality and subjective well-being of workers: moderation of emotional regulation Ribeiro, Wilma Raquel Barbosa; Gondim, Sônia Maria Guedes; Pereira, Cícero Roberto
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| · Cross-cultural research in developmental psychology: theoretical and methodological considerations Gomes, Lauren Beltrão; Bossardi, Carina Nunes; Bolze, Simone Dill Azeredo; Bigras, Marc; Paquette, Daniel; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida; Vieira, Mauro Luís
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| · Black humor: defense and translation of horror in the Shoah Casemiro, Fúlvio César; Martinez, Viviana Carola Velasco
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| · Destructive impulse and environment: Winnicott dialogues with Freud Pinheiro, Nadja Nara Barbosa
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Review |
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| · Assexualidades: perspectivas queer e feminista Bezerra, Paulo Victor
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