| Table of contents Arq. bras. psicol. vol.72 no.3 Rio de Janeiro Sep./Dec. 2020 Editorial | | | | · Um novo ano com mudanças importantes na Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia de Lima, Claudia Henschel; Bicalho, Pedro Paulo
| | | COVID-19 Special | | | | · Psychometric characteristics of the Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale Silva, Washington Allysson Dantas; Brito, Tátila Rayane de Sampaio; Dantas, Lucas Gabriel Feitosa; Simeão, Shirley Souza Silva
| | | Articles | | | | · Social representation of woman and female drug user Medeiros, Katruccy Tenório; de Barros, Márcia Maria Mont'Alverne; Maciel, Silvana Carneiro
| | | | · Trajectory and modes of action of psychologists in Socio-educational Policy Machado, Bianca Zanchi; dos Santos, Samara Silva
| | | | · Juvenile homicides and death policies in the state of Ceará Almeida-Segundo, Damião Soares de; Barros, João Paulo Pereira; Benicio, Luís Fernando de Souza; Moura Júnior, James Ferreira; Cataldo, Quésia Fernandes
| | | | · Does the make-believe must make accounts in neoliberalism? Moraes, Debora Ferreira Leite de; Viana, Terezinha de Camargo
| | | | · Art, psychoanalysis and the impossible Ligeiro, Vivian Martins; Jorge, Marco Antonio Coutinho
| | | | · Joint custody: understandings, potentialities and challenge for judges and promoters Christofari, Gabriela Clerici; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
| | | | · Immigration and psychology: a systematic review of Brazilian literature Danfá, Lassana; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos
| | | | · Enaction, teaching and learning Gavillon, Póti Quartiero; Kroeff, Renata Fischer da Silveira; Maraschin, Cleci
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