Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Art and world: dialogues between Heidegger and Castaneda Santos, Ana Gabriela Rebelo dos; Sá, Roberto Novaes de
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| · Be psychotherapist: existential reflections on experiences of trainees-therapists beginners Mendes, Jéssica Paula Silva; Gressler, Sionara Karina Alves de Brito; Freitas, Sylvia Mara Pires de
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| · The meanings of meaning: a phenomenological reading Freitas, Marta Helena de; Araújo, Rita de Cássia; Franca, Filipe Starling Loureiro; Pereira, Ondina Pena; Martins, Francisco
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| · Power of the word and according to Nicholas of Cusa Lyra, Sonia
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| · Boredom and work in the post-modernity Fukumitsu, Karina Okajima; Hayakawa, Júlia Yoriko; Kuda, Suzan Emie; Musha, Elisa Harumi; Nascimento, Tauane Cristina do; Oliveira, Bruna Bezerra; Rocha, Elisabete Hara Garcia; Santos, Daiany Aparecida Alves dos; Ueki, Karen; Vasconcelos, Lucas Palhari
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| · Origins and destinations of the the person-centered approach in the brazilian contemporary scenario: introductory reflections Frota, Ana Maria Monte Coelho
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| · "Traversing meanings" about the learning process in gestalt therapy Maia, João Vitor Moreira; Freire, José Célio; Oliveira, Mariana Alves de
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| · Adolescence: a singular and field-related phenomena Baroncelli, Lauane
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| · The spaciality in the understanding of the panic disorder: an existential analysis Santos, Gustavo Alvarenga Oliveira
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| · Analysis of Viktor Frankl's narrative on the experience of prisoners in concentration camps Aquino, Thiago Antonio Avellar de
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| · Poetic language and existential phenomenological clinic: rapprochements with Gaston Bachelard Prado, Rafael Auler de Almeida; Caldas, Marcus Tulio; Efken, Karl Heinz; Barreto, Carmem Lúcia Brito Tavares
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| · Psychopathologies as disorders of the self functions: a theoretical construction in gestalt approach Tenório, Carlene Maria Dias
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Textos Clássicos |
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| · Edmund Husserl e os fundamentos de sua filosofia Farber, Marvin
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Dissertations and Theses |
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