Editorial |
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| Melo, Maria de Fatima Aranha de Queiroz e; Vieira-Silva, Marcos; Machado, Marília Novais da Mata; Miranda, Sheila Ferreira |
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Articles |
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| · The implementation of the bolsa-família (family allowance) program at a local level: the experience of the city of Divinópolis/Minas Gerais, Brazil Dias, Rosângela Maria de Sousa Botelho; Passos, Izabel C. Friche
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| · Profiles of imprisoned mothers living with their children Ferrari, Ilka Franco; Machado, Marília Novais da Mata
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| · Psychosocial practices in psychology: an invitation to networking Oliveira, Thaís Thomé Seni S. e; Caldana, Regina Helena Lima
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| · Family mediation: enabling dialogues about shared custody Alves, Amanda Pansard; Cúnico, Sabrina Daiana; Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Smaniotto, Ana Cláudia; Bopp, Maria Ester Toaldo
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| · Processes of medicalization of children and adolescents in the unicef reports Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira; Galindo, Dolores; Rodrigues, Robert Damasceno
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| · The use of physical punishment in children and adolescents as an educational practice: some perspectives from Sociology, Philosophy and Psychology Ribeiro, Janille Maria
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| · Impasses generated by the immaterial work in private life: a study about sports professionals Vieira, Talita Machado; Mansano, Sonia Regina Vargas
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| · Preference for movie styles and their differences in the five factors of personality Pimentel, Carlos Eduardo; Ferreira, Diogo Conque Seco; Vargas, Marlizete Maldonado; Maynart, Viviane Andrade Prado; Mendonça, Diego Cardozo
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| · Evaluation of subjective well-being in mexico private college students Noriega, José Ángel Vera; García, David Alán Figueroa; Quintana, Jesús Tánori; Carvajal, Claudia Karina Rodríguez
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| · Racial relations in Brazil and the construction of the identity of the black person Pinto, Márcia Cristina Costa; Ferreira, Ricardo Franklin
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| · Transdisciplinarity as a methodological perspective for a clinic of the subjectivities Brazão, Jose Carlos Chaves
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| · The role of informality and the unexpected in the scientific research: epistemological, methodological and ethical notes for discussion Barcinski, Mariana
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