Editorial |
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| · Melo, Maria de Fátima Aranha de Queiroz e; Machado, Marília Novais da Mata; Miranda, Sheila Ferreira; Vieira-Silva, Marcos
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Community Psychology Dossier |
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| · Ethic challenges in community pratices (un)meeting between research and intervention: (des)encuentros entre la investigación y la intervención Freitas, Maria de Fátima Quintal de
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| · Town with the community Ozório, Lúcia
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| · Mangueira: a community Culture and "Cartola" Cultural Center Macêdo, Cibele Mariano Vaz de; Andrade, Regina Gloria Nunes
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| · The importance of community psychology in sustainable development Maciel, Tania Maria de Freitas Barros; Alves, Monalisa Barbosa
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| · Affection, memory, community struggles, social participation and community senses Costa, Samira Lima da; Silva, Carlos Roberto Castro e
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| · Practices in community social psychology and social mobilization processes: provocations for a debate Vieira-Silva, Marcos
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Multi-thematic Articles |
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| · "graça among men": discussing the (dis)appearance of women on the covers of voce s/a Lorenzi, Fabiane Langon; Henningen, Inês
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| · Intervention to promote social skills and to reduce child behavior problems in a social group Batista, Saulo Valmor; Marturano, Edna Maria
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| · Using the logical framework in social projects Pereira, Marcelo Sant' Anna
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| · Participatory process among health care providers to integrate the assistance to the child who was a victim of violence Camargo, Denise de
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| · Use of anxiolytics and antidepressants by bankers: a study of social representations Picheth, Sara Fernandes; Ichikawa, Elisa Yoshie
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| · The university and psychiatric reform: challenges and wires Goulart, Maria Stella Brandão; Silva, Celso Renato; Silva, Eliane Rodrigues da
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| · The role of public squares in the active aging from the point of view of the experts Silva, Eduardo Alexandre Ribeiro da; Elali, Gleice Azambuja
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| · Scrap as the complementary reverse of contemporaneity Oliveira, Gisele Gonçalves Melles de
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| · Language, memory and writing Sampaio, Nirvana Ferraz Santos
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| · Vygotsky and Freire: the concepts of "consciousness" e "awareness acquisition" Cabral, Daniel Welton Arruda; Ribeiro, Luciola Limaverde; Silva, Débora Linhares da; Bomfim, Zulmira Áurea Cruz
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