Editorial Melo, Maria de Fátima Aranha de Queiroz e; Machado, Marília Novais da Mata; Miranda, Sheila Ferreira
Aspects of youth concept in humanities and social sciences: analyses of theses, dissertations and articles from 2007 to 2011 Trancoso, Alcimar Enéas Rocha; Oliveira, Adélia Augusta Souto
Problematizations between the familiar dynamic recommended by brazilian Social Assistance and the female single-parent family Barreto, Danielle Jardim; Balani, Carolina de Lima; Braz, Paulo da Silva
Psychology of virtual era: attitudes toward Facebook Pimentel, Carlos Eduardo; Vilar, Roosevelt; Cavalcanti, Jaqueline Gomes; Moura, Giovanna Barroca de
The public policy of the social name usage by transvestites and transsexuals in the municipal schools of Belo Horizonte: a document research Alves, Cláudio Eduardo Resende; Silva, Guilherme Freitas; Moreira, Maria Ignez Costa
Health practices in school: a study in the city of cartographic Parnaíba-PI Melo, Ana Caroline Viana de; Barros, João Paulo Pereira
The school in front of the student that uses drugs and alcohol: What do teachers say about it? Cordeiro, Isabela de Lourdes Sena; Silva, Deiriely Mara de Almeida; Vecchia, Marcelo Dalla
Museum educators: the production of senses about an experience outside the walls Barbosa, Orlando Coelho; Castanho, Marisa Irene Siqueira
Youth and Adult Education and Psychology: interventions and knowledge Gesser, Marivete; Bolis, Adriana; Cord, Denise; Oltramari, Leandro Castro; Pereira, Rafael
Group of adolescents in a Socio-educational Measure Compliance of Assisted Freedom: experience report on a Reference Center Specialized in Social Work Schmitt, Aline Alflen; Nascimento, Deise Maria do; Schweitzer, Lucas
Men in jail: life strategy in prison Livramento, André Mota do; Rosa, Edinete Maria
In(ter)dependence between judicial decisions and psychosocial reports in criminal courts: a qualitative analysis Juras, Mariana Martins; Said, Amanda Pinheiro; Tusi, Michelle Moreira de Abreu; Hamu, Eneida Maria França e Silva
Group activities with institutionalized elderly: functional and playful exercise in transdisciplinary action Guimarães, Andréa Carmen; Dutra, Nathália dos Santos; Silva, Geise Luziane de Sousa; Vieira-Silva, Marcos; Maia, Brisa D'Louar Costa
(Im)Possibilities at work with elderly groups in Long-stay Institutions: contributions of Psychology Furlan, Vinicius; Alvarez, Maria Dolores
The possibilities of psychologist's intervention in favor of organs donation and transplantation procedures: an experience report Martins, Elizielly de Oliveira; Valente, Hugo Silva; Calais, Lara Brum de
Family members responsibles for the care of a person with mental disorder in a small city Duarte, Luiz Guilherme Mafle Ferreira; Ferreira Neto, João Leite
Therapeutic Accompaniment Experience: from the hospital to the city Neto, Mauricio; Dimenstein, Magda
Notes on the violence of culture in Freud, Adorno and Marcuse Carretero, Gustavo Henrique
Brief considerations, commentaries and ideas about Critical Social Psychology Gruda, Mateus Pranzetti Paul