| Table of contents Pesqui. prát. psicossociais vol.11 no.3 São João del-Rei Sept./Dec. 2016 Editorial: Processos Formativos para a Atuação nas Políticas sobre Álcool e Outras Drogas: Desafios Teóricos e Inovações Metodológicas Vecchia, Marcelo Dalla; Batista, Cássia Beatriz; Paiva, Fernando Santana de; Ronzani, Telmo Mota
| | Professional training to work in the alcohol and other drugs area: reflections from the Program of Education at Work for Health Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Paiva, Fernando Santana de
| | Living conditions, poverty and alcohol consumption in rural settlements: challenges for professional action and training Macedo, João Paulo; Dimenstein, Magda; Leite, Jáder; Dantas, Candida
| | The university as a partner for a differential training on the attention to drug users Souza, Lorenna Figueiredo de; Souza, Ândrea Cardoso de; Souza, Elisângela Onofre de; Abrahão, Ana Lúcia; Fernandes, Francisco Leonel
| | The children and adolescents protection and care network of Betim/MG and the challenges in coping with abuse of crack, alcohol and other drugs Passos, Izabel Christina Friche; Reinaldo, Amanda Márcia dos Santos; Barboza, Maria Aline Gomes; Braga, Gilsiane Aparecida Ribeiro; Ladeira, Kamila Emanuelle
| | Deconstructing myths and prejudice on "mad" and "drug addicts": a proposal for educational action for families of alcohol users and other drugs in the perspective of popular education Branco, Niceia Maria Malheiros Castelo; Silva, Denise Valory da; Soldatelli, Sandra Marcia Ribeiro
| | Travel the backcountry paths: shared construction of knowledge about alcohol and other drugs Santos, Josenaide Engracia dos; Santos, Tiago Antunes dos; Toledo, Melina Mafra; Matos, Susy Rocha de
| | The debate on alcohol, crack and other drugs in the education and the role of the professionals of the intersectoral network in a health education action Gallassi, Andrea Donatti; Souza, Camila Isabel Cruz; Silva, Maria de Nazareth Rodrigues Malcher de Oliveira
| | Training courses on addiction issues to workers from the public sector of São Paulo city: the experience of CRR-DIMESAD-UNIFESP Matta, Alessandra Nagamine Bonadio; Locatelli, Danilo; Silva, Eroy Aparecida da; Contreras, Maria Valeria; Bittencourt, Bruno Azevedo; Noto, Ana Regina
| | "Hearing on the patio": providing care and bonding as harm reduction practices Queiroz, Isabela Saraiva de; Jardim, Ôni Márcia; Alves, Mariana Gonçalves de Deus
| | Ecomap as a tool in training for network care in the field of alcohol and other drugs Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Mota, Daniela Cristina Belchior; Cruvinel, Erica; Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Ronzani, Telmo Mota
| | The Regional Reference Centre on Drug Policy Education of Federal University of São João del-Rei and the Active Training Methodology as a teaching and learning tool Martins, Aline Gomes; Santos, Christian Eduardo Resende; Bagnolli, Regina Aparecida de Melo; Sabino, Geisa Fernandes Calvert; Sabino, Maria das Mercês; Dias, Amanda Soares
| | From the traditional to the innovative: the harm reduction logic in the teaching experience in a course about psychosocial attention to alcohol and other drugs' users Sabino, Geisa Fernandes Calvert; Dias, Amanda Soares; Sabino, Maria das Mercês; Martins, Aline Gomes; Santos, Christian Eduardo Resende; Bagnolli, Regina Aparecida de Melo
| | Course on Psychosocial Care related to Alcohol and Other Drugs: notes on active teaching-learning methodologies Vasconcelos, Maria Paula Naves; Batista, Cássia Beatriz; Silva, Valéria Angelo de Carvalho; Vecchia, Marcelo Dalla; Lopes, Filippe de Mello
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