Editorial |
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| · Editorial 13(4) Melo, Maria de Fatima Aranha de Queiroz e; Santos, Larissa Medeiros Marinho dos; Alvarenga Filho, José Rodrigues de; Queiroz, Isabela Saraiva de
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Articles |
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| · You, housewife: work, health and subjectivity in domestic space Monteiro, Rodrigo Padrini; Araújo, José Newton Garcia de; Moreira, Maria Ignez Costa
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| · Violence against women, civil police and public policies Souza, Tatiana Machiavelli Carmo; Santana, Flávia Resende Moura; Martins, Thais Ferreira
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| · Psychological practices in the work with conjugal violence in devices of the Unified Social Assistance System Rolim, Kamêni Iung; Falcke, Denise
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| · Inequalities and affective involvement of female perpetrators of injury Sánchez, Patricia E. Alvarado; Cantera, Leonor M.; Beiras, Adriano
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| · Childhood trauma and sexual crime: a case study from Freud, Stoller and Ferenczi-Winnicott psychoanalytic lineage Inada, Jaqueline Feltrin; Naffah Neto, Alfredo
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| · Movements of a social movement in digital networks: struggles concerning child advertising Mion, Mirian Raquel; Hennigen, Inês
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| · Open-air markets, thresholds and frontiers: between biopolitics regulations and everyday life astuteness Batista, Lázaro; Guimarães, Marina Luiza P.; Baú, Aline Cristina
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| · Portraits of a custodial hospital: the green spaces and their relation with the psychophysiological restoration from stress Silveira, Bettieli Barboza da; Kuhnen, Ariane; Felippe, Maíra Longhinotti
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| · Homeless families: perspectives on the issues of social protection and family custody Costa, Samira Lima da; Ping, Chao Tsai; Massari, Marina Galacini
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| · The work as a resident of psychology on team of Support Center for Family Health (NASF) Melo, Maria Irislane de Souza; Galindo, Wedna Cristina Marinho
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| · Interlacing (im)possibilities: reflections on the performance of community social psychology in primary health care Machado, Camila Borges; Calais, Lara Brum de
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| · Self-perception of the professionals of the socio-educational system of the federal district/brazil from a training process on drugs and human rights Oliveira, Tayane Medeiros de; Silva, Maria de Nazareth Rodrigues Malcher de Oliveira; Souza., Daniela Ketlyn Porto de; Souza, Flávia Virgínia de Lima; Gallassi, Andrea Donatti
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| · A formative arrangement in solidarity economy for elementary students Ciodaro, Adriane Drummond de Almeida; Mello, Ediméia Maria Ribeiro de
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| · Inclusive collaborative competition: protagonism, empowerment and visibility of person´s with disability Resende, Marineia Crosara de; Barbos, Karen Borges
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| · Gender schema of self concept and Idiocentric-Allocentric profile of soccer athletes Medeiros, Thiago Emannuel; Silva, Walan Robert da; Ferrari, Elisa Pinheiro; Melo, Gislane Ferreira; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz
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| · Psychometric properties of the Srole Social Anomie scale in brazilian workers Fleury, Luis Felipe de Oliveira; Formiga, Nilton Soares; Souza, Marcos Aguiar de
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Peer Review |
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| · Parecerista Ad Hoc 2018
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