Editorial |
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| · Editorial PPP 15(2) Santos, Larissa Medeiros Marinho dos; Queiroz, Isabela Saraiva de; Alvarenga Filho, José Rodrigues de; Melo, Maria de Fatima Aranha de Queiroz e
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Articles |
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| · Limits of drugs war: for another ethics of uses and occupations in the/of the cities Galindo, Dolores; Moura, Morgana; Méllo, Ricardo Pimentel; Bichara, Tatiana
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| · The madness in Ponta Grossa/PR: a history of inequalities expressed on the streets Santos, Fernanda Pimentel
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| · "Quarto de despejo": report of a lived experience Pinangé, Daniella Sotero de Barros; Silva, Dandara Maria Oniilari Ferreira da; Silva, Roseane Amorim da; Menezes, Jaileila de Araújo
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| · Psychological repercussions of ongoing gestation in women with a history of loss Sousa, Tayná Beatriz Evangelista de; Lins, Ana Carolina Araújo de Almeida
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| · The construction of the expression of gender in childhood: from gesture to word Fróis, Érica Silva
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| · The use of pedagogical workshop in the mediation of conflicts caused by gender stereotypes and sexuality in school: reflections based on an experience report Nascimento, Rafael Baioni do; Amorim, Mônica Maria Teixeira; Silva, Edson Carlos Ribeiro
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| · "Crazy Life": experiences of youngsters in contexts of exclusion and violence Missio, Joana; Brondani, Renata Petry; Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Kostulski, Camila Almeida; Schmitt, Fabiana Müller
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| · Youth, political activism, public policies and the mess that is to joint all of this Santos, Bruno Vieira dos
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| · The proposition of the network articulation to public attention to children and adolescents Avelar, Mariana Rossi; Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata
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| · Permanent education in mental health: the suicide on the health care agenda of Community Health Agents Medeiros, Bruno Gonçalves de; Medeiros, Natany de Souza Batista; Pinto, Tiago Rocha
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| · Subjective senses of the interdisciplinary psychologist practice in Psychosocial Care Centers Oliveira, Rosiane Magalhães de; Ferrarini, Norma da Luz
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| · Community and Social Music Therapy: collective actions at issue Arndt, Andressa Dias; Maheirie, Kátia
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| · Social law to Education in Brazil post-1988: More Education Program and PNAS in Poverty Management Ecker, Daniel Dall'Igna; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima; Torres, Samantha
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| · The use of the Iramuteq software in the interview data analysis Sousa, Yuri Sá Oliveira; Gondim, Sonia Maria Guedes; Carias, Iago Andrade; Batista, Jonatan Santana; Machado, Katlyane Colman Machado de
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