| Table of contents Rev. bras. psicol. esporte vol.3 no.1 São Paulo June 2010 Editorial | | | | | | | The athlete’s psychological profile based on individualism and collectivism theory Melo, Gislane Ferreira de; Giavoni, Adriana
| | | Family factors associated with talent development in sports Silva, Paulo Vinícius Carvalho; Fleith, Denise de Souza
| | | Talented athletes and the role played by their familie Silva, Paulo Vinícius Carvalho; Fleith, Denise de Souza
| | | Training volume, subjective perception of effort and mood states during a macrocycle training Marques, Leonardo Eid; Brandão, Maria Regina Ferreira
| | | The pain among high level athletes Silva, Elisa Martins da; Rabelo, Ivan; Rubio, Katia
| | | Personality traits, anxiety and depression in soccer players Bartholomeu, Daniel; Machado, Afonso Antonio; Spigato, Flavio; Bartholomeu, Luana Luz; Cozza, Heitor F. P.; Montiel, José M.
| | | The “psychological problems” of the athlete: a phenomenological look for sports experience Frascareli, Lígia
| | | Psychological processes and interventions in injured and rehabilitating athletes Nunes, Carlos Roberto de Oliveira; Jaques, Max; Almeida, Fabiana Thaís de; Heineck, Georgette Iara Ullmann
| | | Risk behavior among athletes: the ergogenic sources and doping in XXI Century Rubio, Katia; Nunes, Alexandre Velly
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