Editorial |
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| · Psicologia em Pesquisa: fim de um ciclo e mudanças para o futuro próximo Barbosa, Altemir José Gonçalves
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Revisão de Literatura & Ensaios Teóricos |
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| · From the invention of infancy to developmental psychology Ferreira, Arthur Arruda Leal; Araujo, Saulo de Freitas
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| · Contributions of the Psychology of Aging for clinical practice with older Batistoni, Samila Sathler Tavares
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Relatos de Pesquisa |
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| · Evaluation of Hope Project: A Case Study in Pavuna - RJ Souza, José Eduardo de; Mourão, Luciana
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| · The influence of the exclusive custody and shared custody on the relationship between parents and children. Alexandre, Diuvani Tomazoni; Vieira, Mauro Luís
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| · Genealogy of community: the tram of the braid Bahia, Sonia; Andrade, Regina
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| · Bigram frequency for four-through six-letter words of Brazilian Portuguese Justi, Cláudia Nascimento Guaraldo; Justi, Francis Ricardo dos Reis
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| · Speech on Science and Technology in the Teaching Formation: contribution of the Theory of the Social Representations Silva, Alcina Maria Testa Braz da
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| · Déficits nas habilidades metalinguísticas em crianças com dificuldades na leitura: Deficits in metalinguistic abilities in children with reading difficulties Silva, Daniele Andrade; Mota, Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da
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Resenha |
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| · "THE END OF STIGMA? Changes in the Social Experience of Long-Term Illness" Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Soares, Rhaisa Gontijo
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Tema em Debate |
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| · A formação clínica do psicólogo em Universidade Paiva, Maria das Graças Vasconcelos
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