Editorial |
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Article |
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| · Linguistics and Psychoanalysis Milner, Jean-Claude
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| · Don Giovanni and the voices of desire Baas, Bernard
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| · On the writing of singular existence: sinthome and event of the body Carvalho, Frederico Zeymer Feu de
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| · The boy who died on the internet: language’s reach and limit for the contemporary subject Alencar, Patrícia Palombini de; Caldas, Heloisa
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| · In the Limit of time Barros, Isabel Collier do Rego
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| · Psicanálise na universidade: saber, verdade e discursos Freire, Ana Beatriz; Bastos, Angélica
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| · Discursive practices at the university: an analysis from the Lacanian theory of the four speeches Ferrari, Vitor
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| · Alienation, separation and traversing the fantasy Nascimento, Marcos Bulcão
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| · The (non) extraction of the object a in psychosis: some notes on the Wolf Man Sanábio, Virginia L. Souto Maior
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| · O acompanhamento terapêutico na perspectiva lacaniana: contribuições para uma clínica em construção Lattanzio, Felippe Figueiredo; Braga, Lucas Henrique
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| · "Negar é no fundo querer recalcar”: notas a partir da leitura do texto Die Verneinung Filho, Jorge A. Pimenta
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| · Pascal Quignard: the silence, the noise, the word on the tip of one’s tongue de Paula, Janaina Rocha
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