| Table of contents Contextos Clínic vol.2 no.1 São Leopoldo June 2009 Dialogical self and psychotherapy: a dialogial understanding from the therapist-patient relationship Jardim, Adriano P; Souza, Mariane L. de; Gomes, William B
| | Research in clinical psychology: reflections on the collected works of Winnicott Avellar, Luziane Zacché
| | Neuropsychological rehabilitation during acute and chronicle stages in severe TBI: case report Gouveia, Paula Adriana Rodrigues de; Prade, Camila da Veiga; Lacerda, Shirley Silva; Boschetti, Walkiria Luciana; Andreoli, Paola Bruno Araújo
| | The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF-WHO) in interdisciplinary care of stroke in childhood: case report Andrade, Peterson Marco de Oliveira; Ferreira, Fernanda de Oliveira; Haase, Vitor Geraldi
| | Family assessment, depressive symptomatology, and stressor events in mothers with and without autistic children Sanchez, Fátima Iara Abad; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
| | Mothers' behavior into the play interaction with their oppositional children Bueno, Annie Catharine W; Moura, Cynthia Borges de
| | Bullying phenomenon today: definitions, expression forms and possibilities of intervention Lisboa, Carolina; Braga, Luiza de Lima; Ebert, Guilherme
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