Presentation |
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| Mosmann, Clarisse |
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Clinical psychology and family |
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| · Development of a website for dating violence prevention, abandonment of intimate abusive relationships and support to peers Murta, Sheila Giardini; Ramos, Carlos Eduardo Paes Landim; Cangussú, Eudes Diógenes Alves; Tavares, Thauana Nayara Gomes; Costa, Marina Silva Ferreira da
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| · Deprivation and the antisocial tendency of adolescents facing parental divorce Hack, Soraya Maria Pandolfi Koch; Ramires, Vera Regina Röhnelt
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| · Family, labor and retirement: a review of the scientific production in the Brazilian scenario Antunes, Marcos Henrique; Moré, Carmen Leontina Ojeda Ocampo
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| · Late adoption: adopters' perceptions of the initial period of adjustment Bicca, Amanda; Grzybowski, Luciana Suárez
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| · Contributions of the Systemic Theory about Parental Alienation Coelho, Maria Isabel Saldanha dos Martins; Morais, Normanda Araujo de
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| · Marital and parenting relationships before the dependence on crack of a child Costa, Crístofer Batista da; Cenci, Claudia Mara Bosetto; Spies, Denise Wobeto
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| · Counseling psychology for couples: a dialogue between Positive Psychology and the person-centered approach Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
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Articles |
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| · Process evaluation of a social technology of professional training for psychologists handling cases of sexual violence Damásio, Bruno Figueiredo; Habigzang, Luísa Fernanda; Freitas, Clarissa Pinto Pizarro de; Koller, Sílvia Helena
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| · Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression with psychotic symptoms: a theoretical review Paloski, Luis Henrique; Christ, Helena Diefenthaeler
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| · Study about resilience of mothers in pediatric intensive care units Santos, Edna Moraes Aguiar Lima dos; Reppold, Caroline Tozzi
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