Presentation |
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| Falcke, Denise |
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Articles |
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| · Qualitative analysis of a dialectical behavior therapy adapted skills training group for women with obesity Cancian, Ana Carolina Maciel; Souza, Lucas Schuster de; Oliveira, Margareht da Silva
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| · Cognitive-behavioral interventions with men's authors of violence against women: integrative literature review Moura, Julliane Quevedo de; Fermann, Ilana Luiz; Corrêa, Andriza Saraiva
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| · The emotional impact of becoming a sibling though adoption: a collective case study Rodrigues, Ana Clara Fusaro; Hueb, Martha Franco Diniz
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| · Anxiety symptoms in pre-surgery bariatric patients: a comparative study Andric, Júlia Testa; Méa, Cristina Pilla Della; Ferreira, Vinícius Renato Thomé; Vesco, Juarez Antônio Dal; Vesco, Alida Isabel Argenta Dal
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| · Mother with breast cancer: how do they perceive the illness? Vital, Luísa; Peloso, Franciele; Dornel, Ana Luisa; Castro, Elisa Kern de
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| · The role of forgiveness in the reconciliation: a qualitative analysis of the repercussions in the remarriage with the ex-spouse Limeira, Maria Ignez Carneiro de Azevedo; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha
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| · Minor psychiatric disorders and associated factors in teachers of private education in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil Monteiro, Janine Kieling; Brun, Luciana Gisele; Santos, Anelise Schaurich; Tundis, Amanda Gabriela Oliveira; Cardon, Sani Belfer
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| · Breastfeeding under the eyes of puerperae and the influences of the socio-familial environment in the process of mother-baby bonding Paixão, Maria Cileda dos Santos; Goés, Angela Cristina Fagundes; Raso, Aline Del; Leal, Maria Alice Ferreira
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| · It's not a simple conversation: perception of neonatologists on the mother-baby attachment Dadalto, Jessica Gaburro; Cunha, Ana Cristina Barros da; Monteiro, Luciana Ferreira
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| · Association between self-assessment and the analysis of informants about psychopathological symptoms in an adult sample Ávila, Andressa Celente de; Pante, Marina; Yates, Marina Balem; Silva, Dhiordan Cardoso da; Schütz, Daiana Meregalli; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Psychosocial risks in a federal legislative shorthand department: a quantitative analysis Knust, Sérgio Ricardo Alves; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury; Facas, Emílio Peres
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| · New experiences in the exercise of parentality: the report of adolescent daughters in joint custody living Kostulski, Camila Almeida; Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Goetz, Everley Rosane
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| · Experiences of homeless men in southern Brazil Reis, Tomás Collodel Magalhães; Azevêdo, Adriano Valério dos Santos
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| · The relationships between self-compassion, social anxiety and social safeness Nonnenmacher, Carlos Alberto Dorneles; Pureza, Juliana da Rosa
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| · Factors of Protection and Risk in functionality in adults and elderly disabilities Marques, Maria Andreia da Nóbrega; Cunha, Felipe Augusto; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
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