| Table of contents Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. vol.7 no.1 Juiz de Fora June 2014 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Kamizaki, Ricardo
| | | Articles | | | | · The resilience process of brazilian people expatriated in India Scherer, Laura Alves; Minello, Ítalo Fernando; Scherer, Flavia Luciane; Moura, Gilnei Luiz de
| | | | · Substance abuse, friendship and human development Dagnoni, Janine Marinho; Garci, Agnaldo
| | | | · The relation between madness and labour: concepts and practices in historical perspective Andrade, Márcia Campos; Costa-Rosa, Abílio da
| | | | · The psychologist in the school: an invisible work? Moreira, Ana Paula Gomes; Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo
| | | | · Street children families: perceptions about a social program intervention Finkler, Lirene; Dell'Aglio, Débora Dalbosco
| | | | · Grupal effectiveness, emotions and conflicts: the influence of leader and peer coaching Marques, Inês Rodrigues; Dimas, Isabel Dórdio; Lourenço, Paulo Renato
| | | | · Psychology students' conceptions and expectations as to their future career Ziliotto, Denise Macedo; Benvenutti, Jussara; Matiello, Mihele; Peil, Simony
| | | | · Religious conversion: searching meaning in religion Freitas, Denis de; Holanda, Adriano Furtado
| | | | · A dialogue between the psychodynamics of work and clinical sociology in the world of liquid modernity Linhares, Antônio Roziano; Siqueira, Marcus Vinícius Soares
| | | Critical reviews of the literature | | | | · Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review Brunnet, Alice Einloft; Silva, Thiago Loreto; Soares, Tárcio; Guimarães, Eduardo Reuwsaat; Pizzinato, Adolfo
| | | Experience report | | | | · Psychology and CRAS: reflections from an internship experience Koelzer, Larissa Papaleo; Backes, Mariana Schubert; Zanella, Andréa Vieira
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