Editorial |
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| Kamizaki, Ricardo |
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Articles |
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| · A monologue between the logic of work and logic of desire in the era of liquid modernity Linhares, Antonio Roziano
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| · ADHD on children's friendships Sena, Soraya da Silva; Souza, Luciana Karine de
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| · Knowledge and practices of nurses in mental health: challenges in face of the Psychiatric Reform Souza, Miriam Candida; Afonso, Maria Lúcia Miranda
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| · Karyotypic variations in Turner Syndrome: an analysis of the cognitive phenotype Antunes, Andressa Moreira; Júlio-Costa, Annelise; Haase, Vitor Geraldi
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| · Job satisfaction and challenges found in organizational psychologists in private organizations Hernandes, Maria Luiza Azôr; Sousa, Alline Alves de
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| · Confirmatory factor analysis of the Brazilian version of a Resilience Scale (ER - Brazil) Perim, Paulo Castelar; Dias, Cláudia Salomé; Corte-Real, Nuno Jose; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz; Fonseca, Antonio Manuel
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| · Why pay an academy and not attend?: An analysis from the perspective of economic psychology Durães, Yuri Silveira; Penteado, Raphael Camargo; Michels, Ido Luiz; Wolf, Rayan; Dias, Bruna Mendes
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| · The use of the genogram in family psychoanalytic psychotherapy Franco, Ricardo da Silva; Sei, Maíra Bonafé
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| · The relation between recognition, work and health from the perspective of Psychodynamic of Work and Clinic of Activity: debates in work's psychology Silva, Raquel Vitória Souza; Deusdedit-Júnior, Manoel; Batista, Matilde Agero
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Critical reviews of the literature |
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| · Organizational practices: a theoretical contribution Bedani, Marcelo; Veiga, Heila Magali da Silva
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Experience report |
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| · The experience of Psychology in NASF: captures, clashes and inventions Perrella, Ana Carolina
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