| Table of contents Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. vol.9 no.2 Juiz de fora Dec. 2016 Editorial | | | | Belo, Fábio Roberto Rodrigues | | | Articles | | | | · The payback in drug trafficking work retailer Vilela, Thaísa; Barros, Vanessa Andrade de
| | | | · Youth perceptions about the transition to adulthood and family relations Leme, Vanessa Barbosa Romera; Fernandes, Luana de Mendonça; Jovarini, Neidiany Vieira; Falcão, Amanda Oliveira; Moraes, Gisele Aparecida de
| | | | · Reflections on the neuropsychological process of people with high skills/giftedness Silva, Winnie Gomes da; Rolim, Rossana Gecília Bezerra; Mazoli, Wayne de Holanda
| | | | · The standardization of fast-food and its effects in the subjectivity of the young worker Grisolia, Felipe Salvador; Castro, Lucia Rabello de
| | | | · Partner homicide in the greater São Paulo and greater Florianópolis: news published in newspapers Borges, Lucienne Martins; Lodetti, Mariá Boeira; Tridapalli, Ana Laura; Machado, Gustavo da Silva
| | | | · Reflectionson the consciousness in phenomenology and person-centered approach Branco, Paulo Coelho Castelo; Cirino, Sérgio Dias
| | | | · The place of drug use in the identity of a person in situation of street Moura Jr, James Ferreira; Ximenes, Verônica Morais
| | | | · Brazilian papers about evolutionary psychology Polippo, Pablo Mantovani; Ferreira, Vinícius Renato Thomé; Wagner, Márcia Fortes
| | | | · Social entrepreneurship, postmodernism and psychology: understanding concepts, performances and contexts Oliveira, Inara Rezende; Camargo, Mário Lázaro; Feijó, Marianne Ramos; Campos, Dinael Corrêa de; Goulart Júnior, Edward
| | | | · Reduction of anxiety with people with diabetic: physical and psychological interfaces of an intervention Mota, Jessica Maires Severino; Silva, Anderson Meireles da; Abrel, Tatiana Bahia; Castro, Maíra Aparecida de; Silva, Marcos Vieira; Carvalho-Freitas, Maria Nivalda; Guimarães, Andréa Carmen
| | | Review | | | | · O sujeito na contemporaneidade Amaral, Caroline Barros; Campos, Erico Bruno Viana
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