| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.8 no.1 Florianópolis June 2008 Editorial | | | | Silva, Gardênia da | | | Articles | | | | · Social network and change in a rural brazilian producers group Neiva, Elaine Rabelo; Brito, Maria Júlia Pantoja de
| | | | · Conductors of life: the influence of the mentoring and social network phenomena on executives of a transportation company Souza, Denise Clementino de; Dias, Sônia Maria Rodrigues Calado
| | | | · Influence of the number of competitors on preference of advertising stimuli Pérez-Acosta, Andrés M.
| | | | · Moral harassment and organizational retaliation: theoretical and methodological interfaces Mendonça, Helenides; Torres, Ana Raquel Rosas; Zanini, Daniela Sacramento
| | | | · Is gender a discriminant variable incustomer satisfaction evaluation?: A study by structural equation modeling Perillo, Raul Damasio; Tróccoli, Bartholomeu Tôrres
| | | | · The structure of the image of the well-succeeded manager and the question of Corporeality Nascimento, Alexsandro Medeiros; Roazzi, Antonio; Castellan, Rita Rovai; Rabelo, Leonardo do Monte
| | | | · The organizational socialization to civil servants on UFRN in conformity to occupational groups and to the work time Oliveira, Samid Danielle Costa de; Lino, Marília Alanna Bezerra; Borges, Livia de Oliveira; Carvalho, Virgínia Donizete de; Melo, Simone Lopes de; Silva, Alda Karoline Lima da; Bahia, Flávia Ribeiro Alves; Souza, Nayra Cury; Steven, Glauber
| | | | · Creativity in the organizations: analysis of the brazilian scientific production in journals and books of Administration and Psychology Bruno-Faria, Maria de Fátima; Veiga, Heila Magali da Silva; Macêdo, Laura Ferreira
| | | Review | | | | · O empreendedorismo como objeto de estudo da psicologia Tupinambá, Antonio Caubi Ribeiro
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