| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.13 no.2 Florianópolis Aug. 2013 Editorial | | | | | | | The connection between sailors' duties and alcoholism Halpern, Elizabeth Espindola; Leite, Ligia Maria Costa
| | | Occupational health intervention at a tannery in the west of São Paulo State Rumin, Cassiano Ricardo; Silva, Daniela Bonadirman da; Souza, Maira Angélica Rodrigues de
| | | Shiftwork effects on health and on social and organizational life: a study in the electronics industry Prata, Joana; Silva, Isabel Soares
| | | Proactive behavior and social norms: validation of measures and correlational study Veiga, Heila Magali da Silva; Torres, Cláudio Vaz; Bruno-Faria, Maria de Fátima
| | | Persuasive strategies of salespeople: consumers' perceptions in retail stores Iglesias, Fabio; Damasceno, Raissa
| | | Organizational learning and performance: what can we learning learn from this relationship? Loiola, Elisabeth; Leopoldino, Cláudio
| | | Training needs assessment as a predictor of the impact of training at work Mourão, Luciana; Gondim, Sônia Maria Guedes; Macêdo, Martha Elizabeth Carvalho de; Luna, André de Figueiredo
| | | Protean career: theoretical review and bibliometric analysis Neves, Mônica Maria; Trevisan, Leonardo Nelmi; João, Belmiro do Nascimento
| | | Review | | | | · Manual de treinamento organizacional Odelius, Catarina Cecília
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