| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.14 no.3 Florianópolis Sept. 2014 Editorial | | | | Puente-Palacios, Katia; Silva, Luciana Mourão Cerqueira e; Bendassolli, Pedro F.; Janissek, Janice | | | Effects of brief intervention in planning for retirement Leandro-França, Cristineide; Murta, Sheila Giardini; Villa, Miriam Bratfisch
| | | Distance learning in higher education institutions: a review of the research Martins, Lara Barros; Zerbini, Thaís
| | | A study of the relationship between work-family conflict, organizational commitment and organizational entrenchment Aguiar, Carolina Villa Nova; Bastos, Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt; Jesus, Eloah Santana de; Lago, Luiza Nastar Achy
| | | Beliefs in the context of work: features of the national and foreign research Brant, Sandra Regina Corrêa; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo
| | | Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Trust employee in the organization Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín; Serenini, Antonio Luiz Prado; Meireles, Everson
| | | Compassion fatigue as a professional quality of life hazard for hospital service workers Barbosa, Silvânia da Cruz; Souza, Sandra; MOREIRA, Jansen Souza
| | | Labor stressors in community health agents Santos, Ítalo Emanuel Rolemberg dos; Vargas, Marlizete Maldonado; Reis, Francisco Prado
| | | Work-related stress vulnerability assessment in telemarketing operators Takahashi, Luis Torahiko; Sisto, Fermino Fernandes; Cecilio-Fernandes, Dario
| | | O trabalho e as organizações: atuações a partir da psicologia Carvalho-freitas, Maria Nivalda de
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