| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.15 no.1 Florianópolis Mar. 2015 Editorial | | | | | | | The impact of organizational justice on employee well-being: a study with retail workers Masagão, Verônica da Costa; Ferreira, Maria Cristina
| | | Well-being at work: the impact of satisfaction with organizational supports and the mediating role of resilience at work Gomide Júnior, Sinésio; Silvestrin, Luiz Humberto Bonito; Oliveira, Áurea de Fátima
| | | Pleasure and mental suffering experience at a Center of Psychosocial Care Azevedo, Ariane Priscila Fonseca; Figueredo, Vanessa Catherina Neumann
| | | Working conditions and mental health: a study in two university hospitals Costa, Maria Teresa Pires; Borges, Livia de Oliveira; Barros, Sabrina Cavalcanti
| | | Vulnerability to stress at work in young adult Friedrich, Ariela Cristine Dias; Macedo, Fernando; Reis, Aline Henriques
| | | Meaning, meaningfulness, and tensions in artistic work Bendassolli, Pedro F.; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo
| | | Confirmatory factorial analysis of the Job Satisfaction Scale 25-items and 15 items versions Marín Rueda, Fabián Javier
| | | A meta-analysis of basic human values in Brazil: observed differences within the country Torres, Cláudio V.; Porto, Juliana B.; Vargas, Luiza M.; Fischer, Ronald
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