Editorial |
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| · Production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in times of the COVID-19 pandemic Cruz, Roberto Moraes; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz De; Moscon, Daniela Campos Bahia; Micheletto, Marcos Ricardo Datti; Kienen, Nádia; Esteves, Germano Gabriel Lima; Carvalho-Freitas, Maria Nivalda de
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Articles |
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| · Metáforas científicas e representatividade feminina em cargos de liderança: uma análise bibliométrica Grangeiro, Rebeca da Rocha; Rodrigues, Milena Sousa; Silva, Lucas Emmanuel Nascimento; Esnard, Catherine
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| · Changes in consumer behavior in post-COVID-19 scenarios: the brazilian consumer in 2025 Jamett, Andrea Carolina Droguett; Schweizer, Luciano Teixeira
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| · Work engagement in managers: influence of personal and work resources Böttcher, Eliane; Monteiro, Janine Kieling
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| · Relationships between learning strategies and personality traits in corporate training Oliveira, Luana Paula de; Zerbini, Thaís
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| · Meanings of work in different occupational nursing pathways: a case study Prado, Karynne; Sant'Anna, Anderson de Souza; Diniz, Daniela Martins
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| · Psychosocial assessment at work in Brazil: a survey study of variables, theoretical models, instruments and adopted criteria Vasconcelos, Valmir Dorn; Trentini, Clarissa Marceli
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| · Presenteeism in a police corporation: prevalence and repercussions on workers' health Neto, Alessandra Laudelino; Guimarães, Liliana Andolpho Magalhães
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| · VIDAS Program for retirement orientation: reaction and impact evaluation Santos, Igor Schutz dos; Siega, Caroline Michels; Carvalho, Fabiana Mendes de
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| · Work context and psychosocial risks of medical residency in orthopedics Cortez, Barbara Rodrigues; Cordeiro Júnior, José Carlos Miranda; Medeiros-Costa, Mateus Estevam
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| · Mental health and work among military fire brigade professionals Oliveira, Karine Trarbach de; Moraes, Thiago Drumond
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| · The experience of termination for unemployed workers in the northeastern countryside region Miranda, Margarida Mayara Moura; Medeiros, Maria Wilma da Silva Dantas de; Coelho-Lima, Fellipe
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| · Creative work in careers without borders: The Boundary VFX case Pereira, Chris Herbert Berenguer; Paiva Jr, Fernando Gomes de; Muzzio, Henrique
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| · Personality traits as predictors of the future perception of retirement Castilho, Rodrigo Barbosa de; Pilati, Ronaldo
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Review |
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| · Is science sexist? Review of "inferior: how science got women wrong" Novaes, Felipe Carvalho
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| · "Psicología(s) Organizacional(es) Y Del(os) Trabajo(s): Coexistencia de realidades e implicaciones disciplinares y para las personas. Una Re-introducción", by Erico Rentería Pérez: A Book Review Gondim, Sonia Maria Guedes
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