| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.21 no.3 Brasília July/Sept. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Science and ethical conflicts in the management of the COVID-19 Pandemic Cruz, Roberto Moraes; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz De; Moscon, Daniela Campos Bahia; Viseu, João; Micheletto, Marcos Ricardo Datti; Moreno, María Elisa Ansoleaga; Núñez, Mª Inmaculada López; Abacar, Mussa; Kienen, Nádia; Knapik, Janete; Cassiano, Simone; Carvalho-Freitas, Maria Nivalda de
| | | Articles | | | | · Decent work, and satisfaction with work and life in managers Cipriani, Renan Lopes; Ferraro, Tânia; Oderich, Cecília Leão
| | | | · Managerial perspectives on alcoholism amongst construction workers Fisch, Jaqueline Garcia; Kaspary, Tainara; Rebonatto, Cintia Sonale; Costa, Carlos
| | | | · Dream or pseudo flexibility in the organizational culture in direct sales systems Espíndola, Amanda Dourado; Binotto, Erlaine; Siqueira, Elisabete Stradiotto; Casarotto, Eduardo Luis
| | | | · Stress in the work of the family health team in feira de santana Almeida, Alana Mercês de; Servo, Maria Lúcia Silva
| | | | · The future of brand personality: systematic review and research agenda Carvalho, Daniel; Demo, Gisela; Scussel, Fernanda
| | | | · Coping strategies in the workplace: an integrative review of brazilian and international scientific production Muller, Jaqueline Marques; Silva, Narbal; Pesca, Andréa Duarte
| | | | · Evaluation of training in investigative interviews with child victims of sexual violence Aznar-Blefari, Carlos; Lunardon, Marcela Schimaneski; Freitas, Clarissa Pinto Pizarro de; Habigzang, Luísa Fernanda
| | | | · Stress at work and association with the consumption of ultra-processed foods by university workers Farias, Bianca de Oliveira; Cavalcante, Ana Carolina Montenegro; Sampaio, Rafaella Maria Monteiro; Teixeira, Maria Yasmin Paz; Sampaio, Helena Alves de Carvalho; Machado, Soraia Pinheiro
| | | | · Burnout integrated model among Police in the Federal District: a conceptual expansion Lira, Paula Soares; Pérez-Nebra, Amalia Raquel; Queiroga, Fabiana
| | | | · The Brazilian version of the Three-Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (3D-WFI): adaptation and psychometric properties Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz De; Souza, Marcos Aguiar de; Pires, Pedro Paulo
| | | | · Authentic Leader Rating Scale: reliability and differences between groups Campos, Maria Isabel de; Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín
| | | | · Evidence of validity of the Measure of Adaptive Cognition (MAC): an adaptation for the Brazilian context in entrepreneurs Souza, Gustavo Henrique Silva de; Esteves, Germano Gabriel Lima; Coelho, Jorge Artur Peçanha de Miranda
| | | | · Skills for working from home: construction and validation of the scale Abbad, Gardenia da Silva; Mourão, Luciana; Costa, Russencleyton Barros; Martins, Lara Barros; Legentil, Juliana; Miranda, Lisa
| | | | · Experience report: virtual financial education workshop in pandemic times Bessa, Lucas Marin; Ronchi, Juliana Peterle
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