| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.22 no.2 Brasília Apr./June 2022 Editorial | | | | · Peer Review Process in Scientific Journals Cruz, Roberto Moraes; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz De; Moscon, Daniela Campos Bahia; Micheletto, Marcos Ricardo Datti; Moreno, María Elisa Ansoleaga; Núñez, Mª Inmaculada López; Abacar, Mussa; Kienen, Nádia; Knapik, Janete; Cassiano, Simone; Bentivi, Daiane Rose Cunha
| | | Articles | | | | · Educational actions and health prevention for managers and teams: systematic review Storti, Beatriz Cintra; Renier, Fabrício Aparecido; Sticca, Marina Greghi
| | | | · Predictors of the intention to purchase organic food in the Brazilian context Iwaya, Gabriel Horn; Steil, Andrea Valéria; Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias; Cruz, Roberto Moraes
| | | | · Linking trait-emotional intelligence and citizenship performance in a high-complexity job: examining its predictive validity and the mediating effect of job satisfaction Rodrigues, Nuno Miguel Vieira; Rebelo, Teresa Manuela Marques dos Santos Dias
| | | | · Competences mapped and training offered at a Brazilian Federal University Barth, César Augusto; Costa, Elian de Sousa; Severino, Izabelly de Oliveira; Ramos, Camila Carvalho; Barros, Romariz da Silva
| | | | · Perception of pre-computerization generations on teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic Moragas, Vicente Junqueira; Costa, Caroline Cordova Bicudo da; Rangel, Isabel Luiza de Oliveira; Araújo, Zuleica Garcia de
| | | | · Passion for work: psychometric properties and relationships with flow and occupational self-efficacy Peixoto, Evandro Morais; Pallini, Ana Celi; Salessi, Solana; Zanini, Daniela Sacramento; Silva, Marcus Vinícius
| | | | · Para além da narrativa trabalho-família: promoção de equidade de gênero entre mães trabalhadoras Brasileiras Barbano, Letícia Maria; Cruz, Daniel Marinho Cezar da
| | | | · Bases of power and work environment for creativity in advertising and propaganda agencies Carvalho, João Benício dos Santos Chequer; Pereira-Guizzo, Camila de Sousa; Figueiredo, Paulo Soares
| | | | · Vicarious and secondary trauma in work with violence: scope review Zamora, Júlia Carvalho; Marques, Sândhya Siqueira; Pierdoná, Maria Thereza; Dupont, Melina Friedrich; Habigzang, Luísa Fernanda
| | | | · Adaptive performance scale: adaptation and validity evidence with software engineers Ribeiro, Danilo Monteiro; Dias Júnior, José Jorge Lima; Silva, Fabio Q. B. da
| | | | · Ethical leadership: bibliometric analysis of web of science publications Almeida, Tiago dos Santos; Mendonça, Helenildes
| | | | · Reducing the dichotomy between the prescribed and real leadership models Xavier, Renata Cristina dos Santos Drummond; Farias Filho, José Rodrigues de
| | | | · The psychodynamic clinic of work and adaptations made by researchers in Brazil Albarello, Beatriz Amália; Freitas, Lêda Gonçalves de
| | | | · Trans women in Mossoró's labor market Nogueira, Lucas Castro; Nepomuceno, Luciana Holanda; Siqueira, Elisabete Stradiotto
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