| Table of contents Rev. Psicol. UNESP vol.16 no.1 Assis Jan./June 2017 Articles | | | | · For a non-normalizing psychologist in the public institutions field Benelli, Silvio José; Périco, Waldir; Costa-Rosa, Abílio da
| | | | · Fighting against coloniality: limits and definitions Tonial, Felipe Augusto Leques; Maheirie, Kátia; Garcia Jr, Carlos Alberto Severo
| | | | · Social understanding and language: experimental tasks and use of mental terms in play situation Panciera, Sara Del Prete; Prezotto, Eduardo dos Santos
| | | | · Learning and making process based on a minor perspective: the discursiveness in health research Trepte, Renata Flores; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio
| | | | · Neoliberal logic in public health and its repercussions for CPA'S worker's mental health Barros, Ana Carolina Florence de; Bernardo, Marcia Hespanhol
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