Editorial |
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| · Linguagens para facilitar a expressão e a comunicação entre terapeuta e cliente Pimentel, Adelma; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Gotto, Tommy Akira; Farinha, Marciana
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Articles |
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| · The Girl Dance: Pathologizing practices full time Abreu, Lorena Dias de; Louzada, Ana Paula Figueiredo
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| · Household, can I come in to take care?: A theater-healing at the reach of touch Flores, Andréa Bentes; Lima, Wladilene de Sousa
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| · Brutus desenhadores: desiring cartography of a collective device of drawing, autobiography and care Lima, Wladilene de Sousa; Garcia, Breno Filo Creão de Sousa
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| · Theatrical language, philosophical reflection and psychological group in combating violence in schools: an experience in Belém (PA) Bassani, Marlise A.; Sabádo, Diego; Hage, Zakiee C. Mufarrej
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| · Environmental clinical psychology in therapeutic communities: intervention through professional trainning Bassani, Marlise A.; Fernandes, Fabiana Coelho
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| · Multiplicities in continuous formation: what can a public school in youth and adults modality? Clemente, Ozilene Pereira; Louzada, Ana Paula Figueiredo
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| · Psychism end initiation: notes about the initiation of children in Umbanda Campelo, Marilu Marcia; Monteiro, Alef
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| · Micropolitic actions in the mental health field: weaving knowingness on behalf of one handmade care Oliveira, Ingrid Bergma da Silva; Sant'Anna, Denise Bernuzzi de
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| · The work clinic and the military firefighter activity: fragments of a clinical case Brito, José Mário Barbosa de; Oliveira, Kleber Roberto da Silva Gonçalves de; Oliveira, Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro; Pimentel, Adelma do Socorro Gonçalves
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| · Contributions of hermeneutics to psychoanalysis Amaral, Leonor de Brito; Franco, Vítor
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