Editorial |
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| · Dossiê Gestalt-Terapia Pimentel, Adelma; Gotto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly
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Articles |
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| · To adjust, creatively, it is necessary: experiences and confrontations in orthopedic pre-surgery beds Barros, Eloísa Amorim de
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| · Spirituality/Religiosity for Fritz Perls: Investigating His Writings (1942-1973) Nascimento, Lázaro Castro Silva; Holanda, Adriano Furtado
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| · Retroflexion And Breast Cancer: Predisponences And Relations With The Five Great Personality Factors Freitas, Jênnyfer Cristina Almeida de; Guerra, Karla Carine Moreira; Yano, Luciane Patrícia
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| · The Psychotherapeutic Management in the experience of Cultural Exchange in Gestalt-Therapy Sá, Jurandir Monteiro de
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| · The Autistic functioning by the Gestalt Clinic perspective Soares, Marcela Neves; Ferreira, Wanderlea Nazaré Bandeira
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Essays |
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| · The relationship between the self system and the layers of neurosis in gestalt therapy Bandeira, Célia Cristina de Albuquerque; Schmidt, Luciana Machado; Grünewald, Virginia; Fialho, Francisco Antônio Pereira
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| · Human Development: a field extension for a Gestalt-therapy Karpen, Magaly Fernandes Santiago
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| · Supervision in Gestalt-Therapy: From the Delicacy of Teaching to the Adventure of Learning Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Araujo, Erika da Silva; Souza, Deborah da Silva de
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| · Limits on the education of children: challenges and possibilities from a gestalt perspective Gaspar, Fabíola Mansur Polito; Abreu, Elise Haas de
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| · Mediating lives in school: reflections on school inclusion in a gestalt perspective Oliveira, Leticia Marques de; Prestrelo, Eleonôra Torres
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| · Children victims of domestic sexual violence: a gestalt approach Antony, Sheila; Almeida, Ediléia Menezes de
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