Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Psychology and spirituality: is there a place on the couch for transcendence? Dias, Rosimar José de Lima
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| · Disentailing the transsexual experience of the psychoanalytic diagnosis of psychosis Cossi, Rafael Kalaf
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| · Psychology education: the principle of integrality and the theory of autopoiesis Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima; Reis, Carolina dos; Ecker, Daniel Dall'Igna; Machry, Denise Santos
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| · End of life and psychologist's roles: perspective on palliative care Rezende, Laura Cristina Silva; Gomes, Cristina Sansoni; Machado, Maria Eugênia da Costa
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| · Reason and madness in literature: a study on "O Alienista" (The Alienist), of Machado de Assis Andrade, Maria Vanesse; Lima, Aluísio Ferreira de; Santos, Maria Elisalene Alves dos
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| · Stress, coping, and their influence on blood glucose and blood pressure Alex Andrade, Mesquita; Lobato, Juliana Lima; Lima, Valentina Ferreira Santos de Almada; Brito, Kheslen Pereira
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| · Feminism in times of tecnocegonha: a discussion of new reproductive technologies Torres, Karine de Andrade; Adrião, Karla Galvão
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| · Prenatal diagnosis of malformations incompatible with life: psychological implications and possibilities of intervention Santos, Mariana Moura dos; Böing, Elisangela; Oliveira, Zaira Aparecida Custódio de; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
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| · Factors that difficult the loss of weight in obese women of degrees I and II Oliveira, Ana Paula da Silva Vasques0; Silva, Marília Marques da
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| · Quality of life of professional technical of nursing: the reality of the philanthropic hospital in Dourados -MS Maciel, Marjorie Ester Dias; Oliveira, Franciele Nunes de
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Experience report |
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| · Homeless, drug addiction and project for life: an experience report in CAPS-ad Mendes, Célia Regina Pessanha; FillipeHorr, João
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Special supplement |
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| · Intimités et violences
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| · Glamour, marketing and scalpel: competition of Miss Venezuela Gay-Sylvestre, Dominique
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| · Intimates and violence: a violent marriage intimacy and destruction of personal privacy Mora, Angélica Mateus
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| · From the patriarchyto to femininity: sexual violence and conflict of gender in romantic prose Calixthe Beyala Dolisane-Ebosse, Cécile
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| · Domestic violence in lesbian love the geometry senseless of the love of Susana Guzner Cabaloué, Sophie
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| · Convention 210 of the council of europe (2011) on the prevention and combat violence against women and domestic violence Saint-James, Virginie
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| · Educate the ears to prevent sound aggressions Habellion, Dominique
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| · The intimate delivered to the public: Reports of abuse against women in essays of war Plas, Pascal
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Erratum |
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