| Table of contents Rev. Psicol. Saúde vol.9 no.3 Campo Grande Dec. 2017 Articles | | | | · Depression in pregnancy and childbirth and pos maternal responsiveness in this context Krob, Adriane Diehl; Godoy, Josehelen de; Leite, Keila Pamela; Mori, Samantha Gottardo
| | | | · Depressive and anxious symptoms in chronic renal patients in conservative treatment Souza, Fernanda Tabita Zeidan de; Oliveira, Jena Hanay Araujo de
| | | | · Coping strategies and optimism of children with and without cancer Pagung, Larissa Bessert; Cana, Cláudia Patrocinio Pedroza; Missawa, Daniela Dadalto Ambrozine; Motta, Alessandra Brunoro
| | | | · There is no betrayal without tradition. The change of disciplinary matrix in pichon-rivière Casetta, Germán
| | | | · Therapeutic processes in the treatment of bipolar affective disorder: integrative review Silva, Leonardo Oliveira Leão e; Dias, Carlos Alberto; Rosalino, Fernando Ulisses
| | | | · The influence of timbre in the acquisition of rudimentary musical skills Rodrigues, Raone Mateus; Cedro, Átila Moreira; Fonseca, Rebeca Mendes; Friedlaender, Clarisse Vasconcelos; Torres, Pedro Henrique Ribeiro; Oliveira, Vinicius Figueiredo de; Couto, Pedro Henrique Guimarães; Leme Junior, Antonio Carlos; Huziwara, Edson Massayuki
| | | | · Healt and humanization under the perspective of behavior analysis Vasconcelos, Eveli Freire; Bauermeister, Gerson Armênio Fabrício; Freire, Heloisa Bruna Grubits; Reis, Thaize de Souza
| | | | · The insertion of the psychologist in the family health strategy: an experience report on the multidisciplinary residency Nascimento, Ana Karoline Barros do; Avarca, Camila Aleixo de Campos
| | | | · Symptoms of anxiety, depressive and psychoactive substance use in patients after bariatric surgery Méa, Cristina Pilla Della; Peccin, Carlisa
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