Editorial |
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| Azzi, Roberta Gurgel |
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Articles |
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| · How future teachers view education? Basqueira, Ana Paula; Azzi, Roberta Gurgel
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| · Teacher self-efficacy beliefs, work satisfaction, and Burnout syndrome Ferreira, Luiza Cristina Mauad
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| · The contributions of self-efficacy beliefs in the process of the integration of information and communication technology into the educational practice Alvarenga, Cacilda Encarnação Augusto
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| · School collective efficacy: contributions from the beliefs of teachers and principals Guerreiro-Casanova, Daniela Couto
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| · Self-efficacy beliefs and its origins Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu
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| · For what reasons is teaching an unattractive career to high school students? Almeida, Patrícia Albieri de; Tartuce, Gisela Lobo B. P.; Nunes, Marina Muniz Rossa
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| · One perspective to understand teaching in brazilian high school: the social cognitive theory Rocha, Márcia Santos da
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