| Table of contents Perspectivas vol.1 no.1 São Paulo 2010 Editorial | | | | Martone, Ricardo Corrêa | | | Articles | | | | · Animals, sometimes irrational, but predictable Todorov, João Claudio
| | | | · Behavioral resurgence: conceptual construction upon experimental foundations Villas-Bôas, Alessandra; Haydu, Verônica Bender; Tomanari, Gerson Yukio
| | | | · On reflecting about the didactic laboratory of Behavior Analysis Cirino, Sérgio Dias; Miranda, Rodrigo Lopes; Gonçalves, Acríssio Luiz; Miranda, Jhonatan J.; Vieira, Rodrigo Drummond; Nascimento, Silvania Sousa do
| | | | · Behavior-analytic therapists and social networks Wielenska, Regina Christina
| | | | · Contact with reality, beliefs, illusions and superstitions: Possibilities for the behavior analyst Benvenuti, Marcelo Frota Lobato
| | | | · Consequence analysis as a procedure in ethical decision making Dittrich, Alexandre
| | | | · Is it possible to be a radical behaviorist psychiatrist? Preliminary reflections Corchs, Felipe
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