| Table of contents Perspectivas vol.1 no.2 São Paulo 2010 Articles | | | | · The interpretation of cognitions and emotions with the concept of private events and the behavior-analytic approach to anxiety and depression Ferreira, Darlene Cardoso; Tadaiesky, Liany Tavares; Coêlho, Nilzabeth Leite; Neno, Simone; Tourinho, Emmanuel Zagury
| | | | · Possibilities of dream analysis in behavior therapy Pitanga, Artur Vandré; Vandenberghe, Luc
| | | | · Response-class formation, resistance to change, and child behavioral therapy Regra, Jaíde Aparecida Gomes
| | | | · Social skills and behavior analysis: Historical connection and new issues Del Prette, Zilda Aparecida Pereira; Del Prette, Almir
| | | | · Variables that must be considered for the evaluation of marriage’s quality Pergher, Nicolau Kuckartz
| | | | · Controlling variables of ordinal response: Revisiting empirical studies Miccione, Mariana; Grauben, Assis; Costa, Thiago Dias
| | | | · Revisores ad hoc volume 1
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