| Table of contents Perspectivas vol.6 no.1 São Paulo 2015 Editorial | | | | Perez, William Ferreira | | | Articles | | | | · Reading Instruction in Bloomfield and Behavior Analysis Conceição, Djenane Brasil da; Passos, Maria de Lourdes R. F.; Rose, Júlio César C. de
| | | | · Analysis of therapist-patient interaction in first therapy session Tozze, Karina Ferraz; Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini; Garcia, Vagner Angelo; Nunes, Patricia Luiza
| | | | · Two challenges of a selectionist analogy to the theory of selection by consequences Santana, Luiz Henrique
| | | | · Comprehension after dialogic reading: effects of prompts, probes and differential reinforcement based on narrative functions Rogoski, Bianca da Nóbrega; Flores, Eileen Pfeiffer; Gauche, Gilberto; Coêlho, Raquel Freire; Souza, Carlos Barbosa Alves de
| | | | · Fair Play and Unsporting Behavior: Evaluation of Referees Bosquetti, Marcella Andressa; Morais, Amanda Oliveira de; Altimari, Leandro; Souza, Silvia Regina de
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