Articles |
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| · Media, behavior and culture Wang, Maria de Lima; Pereira, Maria Eliza Mazzilli; Andery, Maria Amalia
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| · Comparing the effect of simultaneous and delayed constructed-response training on sentence reading and production Bandeira, Taynan Marques; Assis, Grauben José Alves de; Souza, Carlos Barbosa Alves de
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| · Behavior-Analytical Therapy in Brazil: Background, Training and Supervision Rafihi-Ferreira, Renatha; Santos, Deivid Regis dos; Alckmin-Carvalho, Felipe; Soares, Maria Rita Zoega
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| · B. F. Skinner and Simone de Beauvoir: "womankind" in the light of the model of selection by consequences Silva, Emanuelle Castaldelli; Laurenti, Carolina
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| · Training intimacy behaviors for therapists in the process of training Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Almeida, Mariana Sampaio de; Runnacles, Angela de Loyola e Silva; Silveira, Jocelaine Martins da
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| · Therapist's Report about the Self-disclosure Impact Greboggy, Fernanda Ban; Silveira, Jocelaine Martins da
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| · Effects of successive and concomitant training upon the interconnection of dig and climbing repertoires in Rattus norvegicus Neves Filho, Hernando Borges; Dicezare, Rodrigo Harder Ferro; Martins Filho, Alceu; Garcia-Mijares, Miriam
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| · Teacher's Behavior Under Control of Student's Behavior: An Intervention in the Natural Context Guimarães, Luisa Schivek; Luna, Sergio Vasconcelos de
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| · Accuracy of speech in naming pictures after formation of equivalence classes in chindren with cochlear implant Almeida-Verdu, Ana Claudia Moreira; Gomes, Fernanda Piqueira
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| · A dialogue proposal between Silvia Lane's Social Psychology and Behavior Analysis Angelo, Henrique Valle Belo Ribeiro; Bissoli, Enzo Banti
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| · Emergence of equivalence relations following simultaneous simple discrimination training with compound stimuli Silveira, Marcelo Vitor; Santos, Alceu Regaço dos; Rose, Julio Cesar de
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