| Table of contents Rev. Epos vol.6 no.1 Rio de Janeiro June 2015 Editorial | | | | Müller, Rita Flores; Oliveira, Cristiane; Nunes, Silvia Alexim | | | Articles | | | | · The normative conception of psychic functioning and the subjective processes: the brain in the post-psychoanalysis era Helsinger, Natasha Mello
| | | | · A carnivorous society: thinking feeding and fetishism Xavier, Gabriella
| | | | · Deleuze, Guattari, Freud and the problem of the personality Martins, Victor M. Nobre
| | | | · The critique of history as a genealogy and the creative writing: analysis of a proposal by Saramago based on Deleuze Grünhagen, Sara; Martins, Luiz Paulo Leitão
| | | Interview | | | | · Redução da maioridade - a emenda (constitucional) pior que o soneto Batista, Nilo
| | | Review | | | | · Na contramão dos discursos sobre violência Sousa, Analicia Martins de
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