Editorial |
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| · Editorial Flores, Rita; Oliveira, Cristiane; Nunes, Silvia Alexim
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Articles |
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| · Voices from the closet... prejudice and discrimination to LGBT people in el Salvador Arévalo, Amaral Palevi Gómez
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| · Lives that are (trans) formed and do not run out: Health Promotion in the Ressocialization Center Of Cuiabá-MT Cazeiro, Felipe; Silva, Leidiane Juvenal da; Brito, Patricia Pedroso de; Assis, Adarleni Amorim de; Furtado, Vanessa Clementino
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| · Socioeducation in the time of cholera Mota, Evanilda Bulcão
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| · Permanence of women in violence situation: comprehensions of a multidisciplinary team Azevedo, Milena Nogueira; Alves, Paula Rúbia Oliveira do Vale
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| · Consensus conflict solution methods: a dialogical production for a culture of peace Mendonça, Kátia Marly Leite; Moraes, Diana Coeli Paes de
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| · Female labor, gender inequalities and forms of subjectivation in the service sector in Brazil Salvaro, Giovana Ilka Jacinto; Galvane, Fabia Alberton da Silva; Mariano, Patrícia
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| · When the youth comes into scene: gender and sexuality in debate Bonfim, Juliano; Mesquita, Marcos Ribeiro
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| · "To being in this scene, you should be resistant to the common world": youth, subcultures and cultural resistance in Rio de Janeiro Soares, Alexandre Bárbara
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| · A despatologização das identidades trans: questões e desafios na atualidade Lionço, Tatiana
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