Editorial |
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| Gherardi-Donato, Edilaine Cristina Silva |
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Letters |
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| · Presidente Castello Branco town (SC): a new view to Public Management through the intersectorial linked work Sartori, Cláudio
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Research, Teorie and Metodologies |
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| · Global forum for physical education pedagogy 2010 (GoFPEP 2010) statement of consensus:: pedagogy of health and physical education in the xxith century Edginton, Christopher R.; Chin, Ming-kai; Oliveia, Walter Ferreira de; Uvinha, Ricardo Ricci
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| · Health Program Evaluation: The Tuberculosis Control National Program in Brazil Gonçalves, Maria Jacirema Ferreira
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Originals articles |
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| · Analysis of the Health Family Support Nucleus implementation within Santa Catarina Andrade, Lucas Melo Biondi de; Quandt, Fábio Luiz; Campos, Dalvan Antônio de; Delziovo, Carmem Regina; Coelho, Elza Berger Salema; Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio
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| · Implications of the widowhood in health:: a phenomenological approach in Merleau-Ponty Turatti, Bárbara Oliveira
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| · Street Clinic: Contributions of and Challenges for a Practice Under Construction Jorge, Jorgina Sales; Corradi-Webster, Clarissa Mendonça
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| · Gender differences and motivational factors for smoking initiation in adolescents Oliveira, Cassiana Morais de; Gorayeb, Ricardo
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| · Physical activity for work versus physical activity for leisure: the lack of information and encouragement in Médio Solimões region Miranda, Elisangela Domingos; Lira, Kaliny de Souza; Alencar, Anykaroline Bezerra de; Oliveira, Adriana Rosmaninho Caldeira de
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| · Reflections on Education, from the perspective of Materialism Historical Quandt, Fabio Luís; Koch, Fernanda Streit; Kovaleski, Douglas Francisco
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| · Curricular Practicies about human elderling process in the Undergraduate Course in Physical Therapy Dias, Alexsandra Marinho; Sandri, Juliana de Araújo Vieira; Cutolo, Luiz Roberto Agea
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| · Health education:: an educational approach to leprosy Coriolano-Marinus, Maria Wanderleya Lavor; Pacheco, Hélder Freire; Lima, Fred Tenório; Vasconcelos, Eliane Maria Ribeiro; Alencar, Eloine Nascimento
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Qualitative meta-synthesis and integrative reviews |
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| · Attitude of nurses in the light of Freire: interconnections with the Brazilian Health System Coscrato, Gisele; Bueno, Sonia Maria Villela
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| · Occupational Health Nursing Under the Interdisciplinary View Lino, Murielk Motta; Nora, Poliana Therese; Lino, Monica Motta; Furtado, Mariana
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| · Evaluation in Oral Health Care in Brazil:: a review of the literature Claudia Flemming, Colussi; Calvo, Maria Cristina Marino
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Transformative experience |
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| · Regional College of Management Challenges and Outlooks:: Report of Experience Delziovo, Carmem Regina
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