Editorial |
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| Corradi-Webster, Clarissa Mendonça |
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Qualitative meta-synthesis and integrative reviews |
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| · Nursing teaching-learning process in caring for patients with skin lesions: an integrative review Santos, Lauriana Medeiros Costa; Torres, Gilson de Vasconcelos; Backes, Vânia Marli Schubert; Martini, Jussara Gue; Silva, Cícera Maria Braz da; Costa, Edilma de Oliveira
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| · Permanent Education for the improvement of Hospital Infection Control: integrative review Massaroli, Aline; Martini, Jussara Gue; Massaroli, Rodrigo
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| · Activities of the Community Health Agents within the Family Health Strategy: an integrative literature review Brito, Rosineide Santana de; Ferreira, Nathaly Ellen Maria Silva; Santos, Danyelle Leonette Araújo dos
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| · Telephone interviews in qualitative health research Gonçalo, Camila da Silva; Barros, Nelson Filice de
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Originals articles |
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| · Behind the smokescreen: youths from the periphery and the drugs issue Pereira, Paulo Estevão; Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata
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| · Study with Crack users and their families: experience report Seleghim, Maycon Rogério; Galera, Sueli Aparecida Frari; Oliveira, Magda Lúcia Félix de
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| · Health workers facing nervousness: an institutional ethnography perspective Azevedo, Luciana Fernandes de Medeiros
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| · The borderline personality disorder from the vision of psychologists raduated in Psychoanalysis Matioli, Matheus Rozário; Rovani, Érica Aparecida; Noce, Mariana Araújo
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| · Enchantment and reception in daily life - a study of johrei and reiki Miwa, Marcela Jussara
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| · Social technology aimed at promoting of the health in a community of São Luís-Ma, Brazil Silva, Alessandro Costa da; Alencar, Marcelo Henrique Bandeira Costa
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| · Transcending borders and creating news: the Aids News Agency in Mozambique Bonanno, Lucas Pondaco; Vasconcellos, Maria da Penha
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Transformative experience |
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| · Art, Work and Culture Circles: a report about an experience with the indigenous Guarani Vendruscolo, Carine; Trindade, Letícia de Lima; Grisa, Caroline Camilo; Oltramari, Rita Maria Trindade Rebonatto; Zanotelli, Silvana
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| · Home visits to patients with mental disorders: expanding the therapeutic options possible in an outpatient service Pereira, Sandra Souza; Cézar, Juliana Guimarães Silva; Reisdorfer, Emilene; Cardoso, Lucilene
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