Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Outros títulosAtribution of Causality in Higher Education: Analysis of the Scientific Production Ganda, Danielle Ribeiro; Boruchovitch, Evely
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| · Learning motivation: differences between the achievement goals of the elementary school students Monteiro, Rebecca de Magalhães; Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos
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| · High School Student's Self-Efficacy and Parents Schooling Level Guerreiro-Casanovai, Daniela Couto; Dantas, Marilda Aparecida; Azzi, Roberta Gurgel
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| · Judicial Psychology: Characterization of Practice and Instruments Used Silvai, Marjorie Cristina Rocha da; Fontana, Elisandra
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| · Performativity in the Four Discourses Mello, Bianca Novaes de
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| · Psychologial Testing: Survey of the Motives by Which They Have Received Unfavorable Report According to the Consulting Commission Freitas, Fernanda Andrade de; Cantalice, Lucicleide
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| · Brazilian Scientific Production Analysis About Psychological Assessment in Career Guidance Ambieli, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo; Polli, Mariana Fralleti de
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| · Domestic Violence: Mode of Volunteers in Action Vilches, Adriane C.
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Review |
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| Fernandes, Ana Carolina Zuanazzi |
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