Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The alcohol consumption in university students: Reliability and sensitivity of a scale of measurement Formiga, Nilton
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| · Reflections on the light of psychiatric diagnosis analytical psychology Bizarria, Fabiana Pinto de Almeida; Tassigny, Mônica Mota; Oliveira, Nara Thaís Guimarães; Jesuíno, Sabrina Leite Cardoso dos Santos
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| · Three preliminary considerations on the concept of the death instinct Maireno, Daniel Polimeni
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| · Construction and validation of na instrument for emotional regulation assessment Bueno, José Maurício Haas
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| · The new place of the father as caregiver of the child Arruda, Sérgio Luiz Saboya; Lima, Manuela Caroline Ferreira
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| · Validation pilot study of the identifying signs of dyslexia test (TISD) Alves, Mirza Novaes; Lima, Ricardo Franco de; Alves, Rauni Jandé Roama; Salgado-Azoni, Cíntia Alves; Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria
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| · Social representations of violence in teachers of public school Paula, Alexandre da Silva de; Kodato, Sérgio; Dias, Francielle Xavier
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| · Social skills training for elderly people in a long term institution Machado, Jane Gleifa Oliveira; Campos, Carla Geline de Oliveira; Rabelo, Dóris Firmino
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Review |
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| Zuanazzi, Ana Carolina |
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