Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · University discourse and the function of supervised stage in clinic-school: contributions from psychoanalysis Lustoza, Rosane Zétola; Pinheiro, Nadja Nara Barbosa
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| · Playing as a means of communication in selective mutism child psychotherapy Campos, Lia Keuchguerian Silveira; Arruda, Sérgio Luiz Saboya
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| · Conceptions of operators of law on marital and extramarital sexual crimes: psychosocial implications Antoni, Clarissa De; Mazoni, Carolina de Vasconcellos; Musskopf, Filipe Witz
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| · Validity evidences of the SOPOS for employees of public and private companies Formiga, Nilton; Fleury, Luis Felipe de Oliveira; Souza, Marcos Aguiar de
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| · Testing applied in Brazilian studies in sport psychology Silva, Andressa Melina Becker da; Foch, Gisele Fernandes de Lima; Guimarães, Claudiane Aparecida; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorin
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| · (Not) taking care of themselves: how nurses perceive the task of providing care Sharovsky, Lilian Lopes; Fortes, Cícera; Biliu, Fabiana; Floriano, Marcilene; Foglino, Talita
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| · It is a great empty: reports of women who have experienced fetal death during pregnancy Faria-Schützer, Débora Bicudo; Neto, Gabriel Lovorato; Duarte, Claudia Aparecida Marchetti; Vieira, Carla Maria; Turato, Egberto Ribeiro
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| · Seeking quality scientific information for research in Psychology Colepicolo, Eliane
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Review |
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| Mendes, Marcelo Simões |
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