Editorial |
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| · Mental Health, Subjectivity Production and Resistances: interpellations by and for Psychology Nardi, Henrique Caetano; Guareschi, Chefe Neuza Maria de Fátima; Galeano, Giovana Barbieri
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Articles |
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| · Desecrate the utopia: of social scenarios in the twilight Raniere, Édio; Ramm, Laís Vargas
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| · Madness and Militancy: resistant life story in the anti-asylum fight Santos, Júlia Carvalho dos; Yonezawa, Fernando; Leão, Adriana
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| · Music therapy: from biomedical to social community Arndt, Andressa Dias; Maheirie, Kátia
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| · Psychopolitical debates on indigenous in the city context Ferreira, Mayara dos Santos; Calegare, Marcelo Gustavo Aguilar
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| · The subject as problematization field: contributions of Foucault and Deleuze Liberato, Mariana Tavares Cavalcanti; Costa, Érica Atem Gonçalves de Araújo; Barros, João Paulo Pereira
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| · "When I found out I wasn't Nise": asylum productions in hospital context Francisco, Rayanne Suim
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| · The singular of therapeutic project: (im)possibilities of constructions in CAPSi Silva, Jordana Rodrigues da; Guazina, Félix Miguel Nascimento; Pizzinato, Adolfo; Rocha, Kátia Bones
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| · To the capture of moments: policies if visibility in contemporary images Barbosa, Maicon
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| · Writings on walls: tensions in the university context
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| · Coloniality and Psychology: the uprooting of knowledge Parra-Valencia, Liliana; Galindo, Dolores
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Experience report |
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| · Listening group with families in a psychosocial attention center: a report of expertise Santos, Antonia Vieira
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Reviews |
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| · Review about the booki is there a way out? Critical essays on Brazil Veronese, Marília Verissimo; Salvagni, Julice
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