Editorial |
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| · Knowledge production, political struggles and care practices Nardi, Henrique Caetano; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima; Silva, Aline Kelly da; Galeano, Giovana Barbieri
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Articles |
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| · Contributions of cartography for the production of a nomadic science Cardoso, Maria Luiza Marques; Romagnoli, Roberta Carvalho
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| · Analysis and creation of devices: tasks for a Social Psychology Gama, Isabela; Andrade, Roberto; Mizoguchi, Danichi Hausen
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| · "Hormones in action": articulating concepts of the actor-network theory Medrado, Benedito; Méllo, Ricardo Pimentel; Sampaio, Juliana Vieira
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| · Cognitive Politics: Ontologies of self-awareness Baum, Carlos; Maraschin, Cleci
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| · Female insurrections: babassu coconut breakers' resistances Carvalho, Andressa; Macedo, João Paulo
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| · Notions of coping with the feminization of AIDS in public policies Pires, Patrícia Vitória; Meyer, Dagmar Elizabeth Estermann
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| · Women on the street: from "fiu-fiu" to the rape Câmara, Flávia; Lima, Maria Lúcia; Cruz, Crissia
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| · The master's house, the master's discourse and the barracoon: interpretation and coloniality Basso, Fernando; Weinmann, Amadeu de Oliveira
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| · Empathy as an ethical attitude in mental health care Lima, Dassayeve Távora; Liberato, Mariana Tavares Cavalcanti; Dionísio, Bianca Waylla Ribeiro
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| · Prescription and care in the context of the chronic condition Szapiro, Ana Maria; Souza, Leonardo Pereira de
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| · Agentes do sistema de proteção no Uruguai: sentidos de cuidado Maldonado, Cecilia Montes
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| · Gestos clínicos na formação em psicologia: práticas de transformação coletiva no acompanhamento de processos educacionais Barros, Maria Elizabeth
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Experience report |
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| · Social community psychology in school: students union and belonging Maurício, Ana Carolina; Bueno, Gabriel
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