Editorial |
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| · Psychology compositions: aesthetics, politics, research and training Nardi, Henrique; Guareschi, Neuza; Silva, Aline Kelly da; Souza, Luis Henrique da Silva
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Interviews |
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| · “We are nothing but images” - Interview with Anne Sauvagnargues Raniere, Édio; Hack, Lilian; Neves, Rosane
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Articles |
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| · Figurative art to abstract art: a psychological analysis Carvalho, Paulo Roberto de; Mansano, Sonia Regina Vargas
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| · Outlines to think about the present: arte de Rosana Paulino y Beth Moysés Martins, Catia Paranhos
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| · Psychology and etologies: some contributions from Deleuze, Haraway and Despret Galindo, Dolores; Milioli, Danielle
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| · A double-sided mirror: to be or not to be a mother? Silva, Janaína; Queiroz e Melo, Maria de Fátima Aranha de
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| · Does 'psychic' economy matter? Decolonization and subjective elements of social réinscription Castro, Lucia Rabello de; Menezes, Jaileila de Araújo
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| · Versions of users about involuntary psychiatric hospitalization Messias, Nayane Keilla; Castro, Cássia Bezerra de; Martins, Mário Henrique da Mata
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| · The psychology in CRAS: possible developments on public participation Martins, Tayná Ceccon; Silva, Rafael Bianchi
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| · Elderly people and sense of rural in Rio Grande Do Norte Costa, Jobson Vital; Leite, Jáder Ferreira; Dantas, Candida Maria Bezerra
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| · From the perspective of the exam: the researches about psychopathy and psychopaths in the Brazilian scientific scene Luz, Heriel Adriano Barbosa da; Osório, Antônio Carlos do Nascimento; Bernardes, Anita Guazelli
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| · Affirmative action policies in education and contributions of socio-historical-cultural psychology Barcellos, Luciana Ferreira; Souza, Solange Jobim e
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| · Concepts of internationalization in debates over graduate studies in Psychology Costa, Joyce Pereira da; Costa, Ana Ludmila Freire da; Yamamoto, Oswaldo Hajime
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Experience report |
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| · Collective productions and shared readings: meeting as a creation device Botega, Carla Garcia; Rollo, Rosane Machado; Ramos, Adriana Roese; Rocha, Cristianne Famer
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