| Table of contents Rev. Polis Psique vol.13 no.1 Porto Alegre 2023 Editorial | | | | · Care, Health and Public Policies: Clinic and Critique in the Production of Contemporary Policies and Subjectivities Nardi, Henrique Caetano; Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima; Galeano, Giovana Barbieri; Montenegro, Dan Pinheiro; Souza, Luis Henrique da Silva; Siebra, Adolfo Jesiel
| | | Articles | | | | · The Ethics of Affections: Narratives in Cordelia's Garden Ferraro, Vitória Sander; Gonzales, Zuleika Köhler
| | | | · A clinic that catalyzes Berti, Guilherme Franzon; Castro, Rodrigo Caprio Leite de
| | | | · Adolescence Structures in the Pandemic: Psychosocial Demands of a CAPSi Center Homercher, Bibiana Massem; Guazina, Felix Miguel Nascimento
| | | | · From The Undesirable To The (In) Preventable: Old Age Stigmatized In The Covid-19 Pandemic Santana, Elaine Dos Santos; Reis, Luana Araújo dos; Oliveira, Alessandra Souza de; Gobira, Nádia Moraes Sampaio; Miguens, Layanne Christinne dos Passos; Lopes, Arianna Oliveira Santana; Reis, Luciana Araújo dos
| | | | · Control and mental health: the government of contemporary unease Angel, Camila de Oliveira; Amaral, Augusto Jobim do
| | | | · Social Participation and Mental Health:among silencing, silences and protagonisms of women Costa, Diogo Faria Corrêa da; Roso, Adriane; Chagas, Letícia
| | | | · Qualitative indicators of process and outcome in Terapeutic Accompaniment Brondani, Ana Carolina; Farias, Bruno Graebin de; Palombini, Analice de Lima
| | | | · Affective Support in the Service of CREAS: the Perceptions of Families. Godoy, Kathia Regina Galdino de; Mansano, Sonia Regina Vargas
| | | | · Maneuvering subjective urgency in institutions: what is the role of psychology school-service? Vilanova, Andrea da Silva; Santos, Priscila Lopes Braz dos; Gomes, Ana Cecília Boal; Oliveira, Jefferson do Nascimento de; Garcia, Juliana Bueno; Velasco, Leonardo Bastos; Mendes, Luiza Gomes
| | | | · What do freshmen teach to the University? A reflection Libâneo, Lígia Carvalho; Pulino, Lúcia Helena Cavasin Zabotto
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