Editorial |
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| · Editorial
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Articles |
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| · The introduction of narcissism in the metapsychology and its clinical consequences Marcos, Cristina Moreira
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| · Considerations about the body and its name Silva, Maria Fernanda Fernandes; Chatelard, Daniela Scheinkman; Carvalho, Isalena Santos
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| · Origins of Psychosomatic and their connections with the Medicine in Ancient Greece Lima, Leonardo Tadeu José de
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| · Importance of Heidegger to Lacan's teaching: possibilities and limits of truth as revelation Cardoso, Mauricio José d'Escragnolle; Lustoza, Rosane Zétola
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| · The conversive hysteria of capitalism Ribeiro, Fernando Fagundes
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| · The psychoanalytic look for Panic Disorder: a case study Carloni, Paola
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| · Desire pure Antigone: lacanian ethics and tragic dimension Bonfim, Flávia Gaze
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Review |
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| · Sobre a habilidade de transitar pelas fronteiras Veríssimo, Tânia Corghi
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| · RESENHA Franco, Wilson de Albuquerque Cavalcanti
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